Was fun while it lasted

This guy DK’s. We already know what to expect. Can’t wait for this mid-late season 2 buffs followed by a dozen tiny nerfs.


Sports is different. It’s still built on top of an existing freeform hobby. You don’t need to play by the rules to play football casually. Video games do, as you’re entirely limited by the framework of what it allows the player to do.

Also, if balancing is done around the top performers, it’s likely top performers would just ask: just give me ONE button to do 100 million damage on a 60s cooldown. A video game is built on the frame first, balancing comes after that. What you’re asking is for is just to drive players people away.

That’s if we’re lucky. We might get a huge season 2 buff only to immediately get all three specs blasted to oblivion all at once. Seen it happen one too many times.

We’ll have to hit dumpster tier again to get buffs. I haven’t PvP’d much this expansion so I can’t really comment on the current state. Just that I expect nerfs in almost every patch.

If you want a class that consistently performs well then DK is a terrible choice. We certainly don’t get the same treatment as arms, ret’s, locks, mages, rogues, etc.