Was BFA a successful expansion?

It’s not. Not by a long shot.

Did I say all Classic players dislike Wrath? No. But a massive portion of Classic players dislike Wrath simply because Wrath is nothing like Classic. It’s common sense.

Wrath was when Blizzard started changing the basic fundamentals of this game and it’s foundation. Of course many people who love Classic will dislike it.

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at op:

You either rolled a vulpera or boosted one. How could you say it’s not? Either of those 2 situations means you REALLY like the new race, like…a lot.

with that kind of hope we are never getting forwards mr.kelgar
nobody expected legion quality after what we saw with wod, the same can simple happen after bfa, have a little bit of faith dammit

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Neither I just raced changed.

I’m not saying it is or isn’t like I said I honestly have no idea if it was successful how could I know? I don’t have access to the numbers.

For the love of Azeroth…it can get worse??? :scream:


So long as they learn from mistakes it could be viewed as a success of sorts. Of course you cant make everyone happy they downside is how many changes can they implement into the next installment and still keep the shareholders timeline without bungling it is the true question.

This is the truest comment today.

So that means WOD was about as good as Legion then huh?

No it was not. It was twice washed with artifact weapons being given back to replace a heart of Azeroth that didnt give back to its players. 8.0 and 8.3x was scrapped and leaving us barren in the Great Dark! The sword is still sticking out of Azeroth from the previous expansion and the 8.3 Nyalotha trailer was disappointing enough that made Blizz blush and made the video not public anymore. But its still out in the internet to see the failure of a Indy company.

Ion has yet to deliver what gamers want. You think you do but you do not. Lots of bad changes since WotLK. no longer a 10 mil player game but they still have the mindset and believing silence is good enough instead of feedback on these forums. Its a slap in the face and not transparent. Its truly sad.


It was a… learning experience I’d say. While WoD was just a complete disaster, at least we can see Blizz recognizing their mistakes and understanding what to do in the future.

Let’s hope they follow through in Shadowlands, and since it hasn’t been made playable in any regard, I’m optimistic, as I see no reason for unneeded negativity.

Nah that was WoD. BFA sucked too though.

How? Oh no don’t even give me it. You’re going to pull the broken record thing again.

I give the expansion a 4/10.
I’ve honestly seen worse.

The Art Team done an excellent Job.
Yet most of it was a buggy mess. I am completely indifferent to features such as Titan Forging but laugh at how broken the corruption system was.

This expansion as a whole feel like one bad episode of your favorite show; you desperately want to end.


I came back to WoW 6 months ago in the middle of BFA. I know of at least one other player who did as well. I have thoroughly enjoyed it since being back and I quit playing ESO which had held the majority of my time for the past 5 years.

I look at it compared to previous expansions and the health of my small social guild. I started wow in Wrath and joined a small, 20-30 players, relatively social guild that also raided.

Before Cata hit 30% of the guild had stopped playing regularly. A few months into Cata over half the guild had quit playing entirely and we could barely raid. I often pugged as a tank.

For MoP we had most of the usual 20 or something core players return at the start. However, most of those players quit before the end of the first raid tier. For the first time I actively moved characters into other guilds to raid.

In WoD the remaining 5-10 active guild members moved servers and joined another fairly social guild. There was a surge of activity at the expansion start. Followed by immediate drop off after the first raid tier. 4-5 of those still active transferred some toons to a more active horde server to try and stay active but it fell apart soon after transfer as everyone had different guild aspirations.

Legion saw a huge resurgence of long time guildies and lots of activity. Myself excluded, I only dabbled during legion, as I was busy playing ESO. Nevertheless activity held out fairly strong and they were still casually raiding normals every other week as far as I understand it.

I was utterly MIA for the start of BFA. Last summer I logged into my unused discord account and stumbled into a very active guild chat. Seems a core group of 10-15 players were still playing actively during BFA, and raiding every other week. It prompted me to start again and as I said above I have been having a blast.

So yes I think BFA is a success. For all the complaints about rep it took me two and a half weeks(rep week buff) to get to revered with everyone and get flight. BFA is one of the only expansions that didn’t kill my social guild. I actually enjoy wow again more than ESO.

I think a huge portion of the hate is a natural part of burnt out players taking their frustrations to the forums. Forums are always full of hateful, spiteful, angry players venting themselves on others. I also agree with other posters that in hindsight people will look at BFA more fondly than they do now. Every expansion I have ever played the forums have been rife with hate of it during its lifetime. BFA is no exception.


Well said.

Again, I’m almost furious seeing the praise MoP gets today because I felt like the only damn person during it’s time defending it. Now seeing everyone call it “good” makes my entire struggle defending it for years almost feel… Pointless? Like I should have saved the energy, time always changes people. The Star Wars prequels are widely praised today when decades ago they got shafted.

Point is I’m still here enjoying BFA, just earned my Mechagnome heritage today and it felt great. In 5 years we will likely see a bunch of people praising BFA. Quote me on it.


Only successful for me because I finally got the mount that i want , after 10 years!

Also there is the new Alpaca mount which i really like too.

Short answer: no
Long answer: noooooooooooo casino loot lottery rng with expansion long grinds.


And if the numbers were reverse those same people would be using them as fuel in their qq about BFA.

When the numbers look good for WoW, they ignore them try to make them seem less important. When the numbers look bad for wow, they’re proof that x pet peeve is killing wow.


If you rate it as successful based on day 1 sale like others have said (which includes pre orders) then yes it was. This was due to it being advertised as a faction conflict expansion .

Was it successful in fulfilling what it was advertised as . There I would have to go no . All the hype about faction conflict was just hype to kill npcs off for an Old God expac. There was about as much faction conflict in this expansion as there is in some cat playing the piano on a You Tube video.

Was the content successful ? Yes some was and no some wasn’t.

Island expeditions a big selling point fell out of favor by plenty of people. War Fronts after all was said and done only 2 were actually released even though more were planned.

Azerite gear , now there is something people were saying was a problem as far back as the Alpha .

Is an expansion good or bad is all subjective . I liked WoD yes it lacked content but that is BLizz’s fault. The content I did there I enjoyed . BfA to me is a bad one . It may have had plenty to do but having a lot to do doesn’t meant it is fun to do it just means it is more.

Most of the time more doesn’t mean better it just means more.


I mean if anything its sloped when Kultiran/Zandalri was advertised as a new allied race for the BFA expansion but we didn’t get them for some 6 months into it.

Totally agree! This is the most fun I’ve had since LK.

For the first time I don’t feel like I’m missing out if I don’t raid.


I loved MoP and defended it against the wall of LOL KUNG FU PANDUH LOL trash the entire time. Even at launch. WoD onwards were the only expansions I genuinely didn’t like (this may be sacrilege but Legion included, I was not a fan as a hunter main…)

Was BFA successful? Financially I’m sure Blizz made enough money to keep the lights on, but I hope there was a deep enough sub drop after the initial box sales to wake them up. I will personally remember the systems it brought into the game fondly like the new ARs and Warmode, and kind of try to willfully forget the rest.

Storywise it’s not even the tired faction war, or the fact that my Tauren druid was forced to go along with genocide and burning a world tree, that was the worst part. It’s the fact that they took N’zoth AND Azshara AND the Zandalari and smashed them all together into one big, disjointed mess without giving any one storyline proper space to breathe. All of these awesome lore threads hanging around since vanilla and only hinted at in later expansions like Cata and MoP, turned into… whatever BFA was.