"Warthin" is the abbreviation we are going with?

babe, people pronounce wod and mop as /wod/ and /mop/ because you can combine the sounds of the letter together due to the vocal in the middle. There’s no vocal you can blend the sounds of the letters in tww. TBC has only 3 syllables so it is fine but tww, w itself is 3 syllables. So, for me Warthin just is the better short form.

I plead the 5th lol

Did you-…

You did.

You just called me ‘babe’.

carves the name ‘Azian’ into an arrow

Why do I suddenly want to sing you got me babe. I’m sorry. Don’t shoot me too.

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I’d just do the simple thing and call it TWW. But I guess people feel that’s more annoying than Warthin.

It’s stupid and I will NOT call it that. WW is just fine.

Can’t wait to earn tendies in warthin

Yea but then there were the heroes who called it Battle of Azeroth

TWW or WW for me, thanks.


qo chars

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WW is…ok I guess. Could get confused with windwalker, but context will tell you if someone is talking about a spec or an expansion.

If someone says “warthin” I’m going to ask what they’re talking about, and ask what kind of illicit substances they’re doing. And subtly imply that they’re dumb for saying it.

Ah that’s it. TWW it is, that is perfect.

Huh. I’ve learned a new word. My English Lit instructor referred to that as a ‘lexical blend’…and I even had to look that up again just now, because I could only recall that it was a “lexi- something” in my aging wetware.

Don’t age, folks…getting old suxors.

Thin on content I guess?

Warthin sounds like what you become from lack of food during times of war.


I drink the 5th

For me it’s going to be WW and instead of reading it as “double you double you” like some kind of jerk I will just mentally note it as “war within” in my head. If I need to say it IRL “war within” is not really any more of a mouthful.

Then again people who say internet abbreviations out loud are kind of sus.

TWW, no idea where this portmanteau is coming from.

prefer wwww (World of Warcraft the War Within)
or just wawi
warthin is cringe

of vodka, dare me to drive?

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Vodka,rum,whiskey, whatever I have in stock atm