Warthin is cooked

Nothing about it looks interesting at all.

No new class, new race is meh.

I really don’t care about warbands since I’m not an altoholic, delves are just going to be brain off pve content like island experts and Hero talents have no flavor at all on top of introducing more cringe support playstyles

The zones are disjointed like Shadowlands and cataclysm the worst expansions to ever exist.

Stop making expansions with no new class, it’s unacceptable and your balance is terrible anyways mythic+ always has a God comp no matter what you do anyways.




You want them to pump out uninspired class atfer class? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Hey, here’s a suggestion.

Just quit. :slight_smile: :palm_up_hand:


The worst thing about TWW so far is people abbreviating it to warthin lmao


Warthins have orphans.


The only thing i care about is BG Blitz becoming a ranked mode and a new PvP season. The zones, story and characters are meaningless to me.

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So, you are the guy who trashes the place before he leaves.

Buh bye.


Yeah all four of them and their alts


One of my favorites honestly.


Eh, delves supposedly should be awarding heroic raid gear so hopefully they are similarly challenging soloable content.

Lol, can you imagine having a new class every xpac. The whining about role replacement and balancing would sky rocket.

Next up, the uh…mail delivery class!

God comps exist in all sorts of infinitely scaling game modes.

As of now, any group comp can do 20-25s. After that, yes, the meta will win out. So?

  1. The “warthin” thing wasn’t funny to begin with
  2. We’ve had more expansions without a new class, than with (TBC, Cata, WoD, SL, TWW)
  3. Why do we need another class?

There’s plenty of fantasy tropes missing in the game man.

I actually am looking for solo queue rated BGs

Just remove the azerite node one.

I’m not leaving, I’ll still play it to solidify my feelings being valid. If the expansion is bad I’ll just play cata or SoD

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We just got Evoker.

Sorry, I can’t hear you over all my Bladestorming.

Warlords of Draenor and Battle for Azeroth would like to know your location.

So take away The Burning Crusade, Cataclysm, Warlords of Draenor, Battle for Azeroth, and Shadowlands? Huh, I actually agree with some of those…

Meanwhile Season 3 of Dragonflight has the closest damage numbers between all the damage specializations in possibly all of World of Warcraft’s history…

Stop with the asinine doomsaying; it was old back in Cataclysm.


Considering that Dracthyr were DoA for me the lack of a new class or race isn’t really a big deal. DF didn’t have a new class or race where I was concerned either.

Personally I think they could go two or three expacs straight without a new class or race and I’d be plum happy as long as time was spent on improving the existing ones. They haven’t put a good class into the game since Monk and DH and haven’t added a good race since Z trolls.

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I think everyone knows that the Warthin tumor is not good.

Besides, this probably isn’t the right forum to discuss that.

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One of these things is not like the other…


We don’t need new classes but class skins. This would allow for people to still play their characters with a fresh coat of paint but have none of the balancing issues that come with a new class.


…I thought this was gonna be a Wrathion thread. Guess I need more coffee so I can “Read words good”.


I retract my statement bad mouthing Hero talents

Some of them are pretty cool

Thoughts on the collectibles? :robot::thought_balloon: