Here’s what I’m seeing:
Wrathion’s rewards:
- Armoire of Endless Cloaks (toy)
- Obsidian Proto-Whelp (pet)
- Obsidian Guard’s Saber (one-handed sword transmog)
- Obsidian Wing Glaive (warglaive transmog)
- Obsidian Wingedguard Polearm (polearm transmog)
- Obsidian Spellcarver’s Stave (staff transmog)
- Obsidian Spellweaver’s Scepter (off-hand transmog)
Sabellian’s rewards:
- Obsidian Egg Clutch (toy)
- Ensemble: Sabellian’s Battlegear Cloth Armor (cloth armor transmog set)
- Obsidian Guard’s Cutlass (one-handed sword transmog)
- Obsidian Guard’s Barrier (shield transmog)
- Obsidian Spellweaver’s Stave (staff transmog)
- Obsidian Guard’s Skullsplitter (two-handed axe transmog)
- Obsidian Wingguard Polearm (polearm transmog)
- We’ve got a sword mog for each - immediate Shaman snub.
- Sab’s got both a shield and a cloth set mog, there are no cloth classes that use shield.
- Both of them have a polearm and stave mog? Why!?!
- They also each have a two-handed mog option for sword/axe
- No bow, axe, or mace mog.
Maybe this is a jackpot for other classes, but I feel kinda screwed.