Warsong Gulch not giving rep on lose

with every game being a premade. how are we supposed to get rep? this move is 3 months too late anyways. should just leave it now honestly. just making the grind more tedious for no reason =/


I think you may be thinking BC era with PVP 2.0 where you got something even if you lost?

I think we have been getting away with a bug this whole time

nm, i see blue post clarifying that we have been getting away with a but the whole time.

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Don’t mind me…just checking to see how much WSG rep I got from my vanilla character back in the day with 40+ minute queues.

Edit: It’s not loading. Well now I need to figure out if I’m gonna DL 1 GB of retail to check…


So, glad Im exalted and don’t have to worry about this mess.

Now, its time for the AB grind. =)

Oh the irony.

You ask them why they dont communicate more while simultaneously jumping down their throat the first chance you get to complain about something off topic

Should the devs just give you their personal phone numbers so you can hit them up with all your petty complaints? Are you gonna blow them up with angry texts if they don’t reply in under 5 minutes?

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You remember all that in one post, played with some “high ranks” now talking about guides and what not…

I am confused what point you’re trying to make. This post is about reputation earned and how my recollection and the guides actually line up with reality.

My point is the same as its always been, your memory sucks.

Except I literally have a developer quoting me in this thread saying I am right.

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Not talking about that lol im talking about you needing guides. i think you may have played vanilla but i doubt you even had max professions.

People have that reaction because they go months without any communication from the team. If they actually commented on some of the primary concerns of the community it would be different. Removing rep for losing is extremely stupid, and shows how out of touch they are with the community. It was not an issue at any point. People will still give up instantly when they are pugging against a premade with 4 legendaries on their team. They have done nothing about lotus/thorium spawns, changed how certain specs functioned in pvp such as Ret, or the fact that they can’t stop making AV worse for NA servers. I myself look forward to people trading wow tokens for Sweaters to carry them to warlord+. Don’t worry though because they removed fearing through portals and suspending people for afking a bg where they get spawn camped for an hour.

I don’t need guides. But I like referencing guides so other people don’t have to take my word on it. Again, out of any thread you could have come into to say my memory is bad…this one…the one where a literal WoW developer says my memory is correct is probably the worst one you could have picked. /shrug.

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yeah, some guides are right sometimes. /shrug

They commented on a bug that was causing the game to give out rep in a way that it was not supposed to

Literally everything you just listed is the game working as intended and you just being salty about it because you personally dont like it.

This is why they dont respond to your “important issues” because they aren’t actual problems, just petty complaints

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Yeah sure man. Wow tokens/breaking twink bgs/ changing classes from how they functioned in classic are all fixing bugs. You made a real big think, I’m proud of you.

Im sure removing 10 rep from loss will surely have a meaningful impact. Now you won’t be exalted after losing 5000 games, whooo

Wow tokens in china that have nothing to do with other regions and isn’t blizzards decision doesn’t need to be commented on when they have already stated before classic released that they would not be coming to NA,EU
And them fixing bugs that were exploited during vanilla that didn’t align with the actual intended design of the class/talents doesn’t need to addressed either.
And they didn’t “break” anything about twinking

You’re a perfect example of the type of person they are intentionally ignoring. Just another angry sheep following the hottest forum outrage with no basis in reason

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You’re right. This is a very important change and obviously a good use of their resources. I appreciate your high level of input on the subject. Battlegrounds will more than likely be operating much better than they are currently. I can’t believe people were getting to exalted .01% faster for rep rewards that are not even out yet. Also just want to take this time to thank people like you for server transfers. That sure did help NA faction balance! By the way, what does boot taste like?

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They fixed an actual bug and your complaining that they aren’t deliberately changing the game in a way that does not replicate vanilla to cater to your personal baby rage

Get a grip

I’m complaining because they did and continue to do that. They refuse to do any changes that actually improve the messed up state of BG’s. All of classic was not 1.12 buddy. You sound delusional. You never answered the question about the boot. I am curious.

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