Warsong Gulch Exit Portal Removal

Oh and this one.

PvP Griefing

These actions, although some may see them as dishonorable, are considered legitimate PvP tactics and will not be addressed by gamemaster staff.

  • [Bluewalling]
  • [Corpse camping] - Not considered griefing on servers designated as “PvP”
  • Graveyard camping
  • [Ganking] - Not considered griefing on servers designated as “PvP”
  • [Kill stealing]
  • [PKing] repeatedly
  • [Twinking]
  • [Training][mobs]

Blizzard isn’t against griefing behavior when there’s a PvP remedy (if you can get together a group of allies to trounce the offending party or simply kill all the mobs quickly, the problem is solved), but when the griever is impossible to attack (is not set PvP, or is of the same faction as his targets), there is no such PvP remedy.

Griefing like corpse and graveyard camping can be prevented on PvE realms simply by turning off your characters [PvP flag].

No matter how many blizzard posts you quote wont make it any less of a double standard. Stop letting “these are the rules” blind you from the reality of what PvP actually is.

I don’t give a sh@t what the rules are man. ITS A LAZY FIX SINCE THEY DONT HAVE ENOUGH STAFF TO ADDRESS IT.

Freaking teachers pet over here crying “They said this ok!!!” Maybe think for yourself once in a while.

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If only there were 9 other players around to keep you from getting MC’d this wouldn’t be a problem! Too bad BGs are 1v1!

Well now that i cant be forcefully removed from the bg - maybe those 9 other players have a chance.

The only reeeeee I see is your whining. Bliz made a good change. Stop pearl clutching.


No. Its a permanent fix so they dont have to employ more staff to babysit toxic players.

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But you can kill the quest givers murderer.
He/She did not force you to log out of the game or leave the zone etc.
Your ability to retaliate is still there.

Yeah none of what you said is true. Queues would not be shorter if horde stopped forcing games to be longer. The issue is just the amount of Horde and Alliance queueing. If you combine the populations of PvE servers and PvP servers we’d be nearly 50/50 split H:A. But Alliance just don’t PvP. Long queues aren’t our own faults. We just like to PvP more.

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So of course, you have Never died in a BG, or anything else, because all the other players were able to prevent it every time, right?

Actually, this is wrong. You are rewarded more bonus honor at the end of the game for still having lieutenants and towers alive at the end.

Personally, I think it was not an issue in vanilla because the PvPer’s were better.
They knew how to save a team mate from mind controll.

But the fools we have today, know nothing except how to go crying to Blizz.

  • Save me! Save me! Save me! *

And Blizz, like a helicopter mom, comes racing in to save the day.

For Pete’s sake - Learn how to play the game without always crying.


We did not have Xrealm BG’s for most of classic, so it was all in house.
People that you had to look at and talk to all the time.

Sending someone out the portal was considered a p***y thing to do.
You didnt win, you just pussed out when you could have used the MC victim as an 11th team mate etc.

It was much different then, more like a garden community, you knew everyone, even the rival faction guilds and members.
We even had non official BG ladders, at least on my realm.



@somechanges? or is this accetable to your standards?


#changes and youre going to deal with it

I have never been in a battleground ever, and been mind controlled out of a BG… Quite simply this is NOT a major problem, yet blizzard sees fit to spend resources “fixing” this perceived problem.

How about don’t let your afk bot stand next to the portal?

The portal was there for a reason, so you can warp out to somewhere other than your capital city… This is why you get 2 minutes at match end.

All you Blizz brown nosers making excuses for them is sickening.

“bu buh all those tickets they get! They are so overworked! it needed to be fixed!”

Go back to fricken retail. When it comes to fixing botters and ACTUAL BUGS in the game, Blizz is completely silent, and seemingly doesn’t have the time nor the resources to fix basic, simple bugs or the manpower to respond to a ticket in game…


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unfortunately, ‘this’. they don’t have to pay for ‘this’, it’s the solution shareholders want.

Then why do you have an issue about it being changed?

Actually leaving a bg in any form ports you back to where you qued from.


Quite simply this is NOT a major problem, yet blizzard sees fit to spend resources “fixing” this perceived problem.

Lol what resources did they spend changing a couple portal entity’s enable values from 1 - 0 in a database. would have at most took a dev 30 seconds to change it.

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You get wsg 99% near instant av ques and ez mode if you can coordinate. Suck it up and put in the time, quit, or go back to your carries in retail since you clearly expected week 1 av to R 14