What happened to Warsong Battalion on ED. Did they stay on the realm and move back to horde?
I don’t know. Who is their leader now?
Well I went in on my toon and I got a notice the guild had moved. When I looked into the transfer there was no option to tell me where, and the remaining guild members did not tell me where they went etc.
Himanshu posted on Twitter that all WSB leaders had too many real life commitments to continue with the guild. He was ending the short run on Alliance and moving the guild back to Horde for it to lay dormant.
See Himanshu’s Letter posted on TwitterLong:
"Dear Emerald Dream,
Warsong Battalion will be transferring back to Horde and resuming its legacy status. The decision was difficult to make. In a few days, I will be leaving for 2 weeks for out of country family business. At the same time, Xan will be moving for school related internship. Misty is currently busy with school and work and is unable to log in. Given that the three of us are simultaneously away from game during the launch of a major patch, WSB will be without leadership during a crucial moment.
I see no other option but to call a break to the guild. I’ve thought about possible alternatives, but there doesn’t seem to be any. We’ve spent some time trying to prepare for this ( Although, I ever expected to be called away for two weeks for a family emergency) by promoting new officers, but have yet to find consistency–both in time and effort. Needless to say, this is not the fault of any one person. School, work, and family have taken some of our most consistent officers and turned them into casual night/weekend players. I congratulate them.
Perhaps at the end of the day, there’s just the simple fact that we’re all a bit too old or busy to be playing this game and doing what we used to do. It’s possible to run guilds without being on all the time, but WSB is a different entity. Logging in and being requested to run something or play with X and having to say no because of schoolwork or family related obligations leaves me a sense of deep dissatisfaction. My personal drive prevents me from accepting anything less than perfection, and even more surprising, this sentiment seems to exist in many of our other core members (I see you Arashi!).
To be quite honest, we could make some short term sacrifices and have -one- of us online during the new patch. Such sacrifice, however, calls into question something else–is it worth it? While it may have been so before, and God only knows how much I’ve thrown away to run the guild in my youth, given the stakes for Xan and Misty with their futures right now, along with the corresponding decrease in WoW’s population and longevity, I cannot bring myself to ask them to do so.
I won’t comment on the overall state of the game, but the last couple of months of WPVP have left me a feeling with that the days of large scaled World PvP are coming close to an end. 40v40s are now as laggy as I remember 80v80s. Shards fill up on servers leading to individual raid members being sharded onto other realms. While we may have fun in world pvp, and I certainly did the past month, the fun derived not from the actual content but the social aspect instead. Running a guild solely on large scale world pvp is therefore no longer possible–at least, if you want to bring new members into the fold. Given the lack of interesting content and lack of interest in server politics, rivalries, and history, new members will hardly be interested in sitting through the lag, the phasing, and sharding. The end result is a gradual decline in the long term.
The aforementioned reasons led to me one regretful conclusion: maintaining WSB in the current expansion is simply unreasonable. "
Bye, Felicia.
Later breezy
they are on horde and is now back