Warsong Battalion: Imperial Defenders of the Realm

thats the thing about rbgs. theyre fun. if you can start your own group and progress then its really fun and thats what we play the game for right?

i guess you play the game so you can flex achievements on people and thats okay because you pay to play to do whatever makes you happy and if flexxing achievements is what brings you the most joy then more power to ya bud

all gaslighting aside though, youre not doing anything by acting like this on the forums and after this reply anyone whos new to the forums and reading this will see what youre trying to do and now they will see that warsong battalion deals well with people who create problems in a public setting with malicious intent and honestly thats all people want.

people who are good at this game and have played for awhile are well versed in the toxicity that plagued this game so potently for so many years and theyre just looking for a steady guild/team and warsong provides that which you just showcased so thank you in providing support for the major guilds that are working together to create a greater emerald dream and truly aspire to build this server back better

thank you for your input

Here’s another link because 1 is never enough

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WSB is a wonderful bunch.
I used to be in the guild but now I have come back to WoW to fight against them for the fun of it.

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what is this a video of lol? you really think you are these people dont you?

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Seems like you guys are one of the very few still doing things how I remember ED was when I previously played on it? I even had my paladin in your guild briefly (did the faction change and joined up), enjoyed the guild feel, great voice server, etc … I just couldn’t get into being Horde at the time. Went back to dwarf-life and CBH.

So tempted to faction change in order to join and do it for real this time. Would love to get back to doing RBGs and Arenas with guild mates.

edit: profile is not updated, I’m 60 now.

Do it! Love to have you back.


Warsong Invicta!

In the words of Darth Vader “NOOOOOOOOOOO”

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are you Vesker’s son?

There have been rumors about Vaporeon stalking the streets of the Warsong Empire. I’d like to assure the public that these are entirely False (or True) depending on what you prefer.

Glory to the Emperor!

I’m a Princess not a dictionary, wth is a Vaporeon?

not something you can find in a dictionary

Getting close now! WPvP strong!

Orc zug zug

Hold on, is Himanshu actually back on the Horde? Last time I was on ED playing, he’d faction changed to Alliance for the purpose of balance and I ended up getting pulled to other servers. If he’s back on Horde and playing again, I’ll swap my mains back over to ED in a heartbeat