Warriors terrible on PTR

Did a bunch of Testwerks on various characters. Mages doing 2500 dps consistently, sometimes over 3k half way into the fight. Eles ending over 2,200, boomkin/spriest/rogue all like 1800. Then warriors are all like, 800 to 1200 depending on if fury/glad or arms.

Pretty aweful, and obviously why PVP feels so terrible. They need to normalize world buffs (give a ton of spell power) so that classes without world buffs are closer together, or they need to actually figure runes out and stop giving scaling runes to “scaling classes” and then doing nothing about world buffs.

Classic requires a lot of open world play. In original vanilla classic, only fury specifically was a special outlier with buffs because of permanent heroic strike removing glancing blows and the -19% hit penalty in a game that was mostly autoattacking. Fortunately for everyone else, fury was the worst pvp/open world spec in the game so it was strictly a raid thing. Currently SoD feels unplayable because boomkins/spriests and casters in general and doing way too much pvp damage but then its not reflected in raid because of how the dev team cant figure math out.

Either dramatically buff world buffs for casters or even remove/change how world buffs work so that you dont have situations where warrior/rogue/enhance all do similar raid dps, but then outside of raid warriors does 1/3rd enhance dps.

Not sure what you are playing but warriors are simming over 3.5k dps. Also, mages are bugged right now and will be hotfixed soon. One of their debuffs is stacking infinitely and once that is patched their DPS will probably be cut in half. Go spend some time on the GuyBrush warrior sims to get an idea of what we are putting out.

For the low low price of going oom in under a minute and being in a terrible spot in pvp.
Balancing the game around logs and parse monkeys is absolute !@#$


Tbf I’m not sure the sim is reflecting the recent nerf to deep wounds. It’s been reported as doing much less damage which was much as 25-30% of all damage warriors were doing.

Deep Wounds no longer double dips from damage buffs and does a significantly lower amount of total damage compared to phase 3. This is probably going to hurt Gladiator the most as they still maintained multiple +10% damage runes/stance.

As of 6:39 PM EST today the sim has been updated to reflect this change.

I love the sim and greatly appreciate Guybrush for updating and maintaining it. It is a great tool for theorycrafting and figuring out upgrades…But people need to stop creating super unrealistic scenarios in it to try to get the highest number possible to argue or justify things.


The thing is those unrealistic scenarios end up being very very accurate for DPS in the BiS Gear situation that most people will be at in the end of the phase. So while I agree I’d say they are not unrealistic scenarios, I’d say they absolutely DO NOT reflect what is possible at the beginning of the phase.

sims through wotlk were all pretty spot on, but ignored by devs (so feral and ret ended up being top specs lmao)

warrior on Testwerk on PTR is the worst dps in the game. 1200 dps max. No world buffs obviously, but you dont seem like the reading type.

on testwerk mage is the strongest class by a significant margin

did it a bunch as horde and alliance on diff character, mage always was king by a mile

the new cloak rune is grossly overpowered

World buffs are coming this week.

Also, Testwerk is a terrible indicator of DPS for anyone with a cast bar. No raid boss lets you stand still and turret for 2 minutes.

You gonna be okay bb I promise.

THISTHISTHIS. They do this crap with healing too. “High heal = gud rite?!?!”

if casters are on top than balance is right. melee scales much better with stats and weapons and the weapons we have on ptr are pretty bad.

Casters baaaarely on top of like 2 classes, not accounting for mage. Barring further adjustments, PTR is the static final strength for casters (they do not scale with gear or world buffs).

Anyone that melees is going to see a big power bump with world buffs this week, and another one when they get optimal weapons (in PTR or p4).

In order for warriors or any other melee to really fall behind casters, there would need to be adjustments to fundamentals in Classic.

World buffs, party compositions, scaling with gear. Probably all beyond the scope of this project.

Just check out era logs to see what classes are capable of with no new content like runes or adjusted gear.

They’d have to double caster DPS (not mage) to outscale melee while taking away all runes and new gear from melee classes.

It’s gonna be fine. The status quo has not been upset.

Mage DPS is only high in PVE because of how broken FFB is and its interactions with ignite and the crit bonus it gets. You dont crit your damage plummets HARD.

PVP wise its terrible with 3 second casts(when everyone else has gap closers and shorter casts, its impossible to get them off or people just run out of range), non updated shield values, no reliable burst.

Eitherway mage dps is only good if they crit ALOT soo youre comparing crits + their effects vs normal damage of other classes.

Might aswell rename mages to gamblers, cause of how dependant they are on procs and rng

Oh no I’m aware, but also classic mage is the only caster DPS that can participate in raiding in other iterations of classic. Not saying they are great/worth the investment, but they are the only ones that have a chance.

The only class I haven’t played to 50 and raided with is paladin because I’m a horde enjoyer. I like to be knowledgeable for my forum poopposting.

Lol just wait for wbuffs. Warriors will be op

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I just want warrior to actually feel good to play and not be some annoying stance-spamming chore. They can tune damage after…need spec identity and playstyle flushed out.

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youre just making stuff up at this point, this isnt original classic in 2019

we just got out of wotlk and this didnt apply at all to that, and theyve basically added wotlk and beyond to most classes except warrior

50 IQ take.

Wotlk scaling is totally different than vanilla, they have linear ilvl upgrades and much more chonky spell power weapons on top of having haste as a stat and bloodlust at the start and no world buffs.

The weapon upgrade from lvl50 to 60 is massive for melee specially if you get a sulfuras 50 dps weapons to 80 dps weapon.

For my spriest I’ll trade a 66 spell power combo for a 75 spell power weapon, big fing deal.