Warrior's Taste for Blood and Deep Woons

Jokes in the title aside. They really should make it activate on either Rend or Deep Wounds.

Right now I don’t run Blood Frenzy, I run Warbringer. So out-right Rend isn’t really a DPS-boost outside of the Overpower proc.

The biggest issue, though, is I don’t have the room for Rend to be easily reached.
Setup is: Sunder (Devastate), Execute w/ Heroic Strike (Macro), Overpower, Shockwave, Rend; 1-5 on the keyboard respectively.

I have: `, R, F, MB3, MB4, MB5, Shift+MB4, Shift+MB5, CTRL+PgUp, CTRL+Up Arrow, Shift+1-5, T, C, Shift+C, V, Shift+V

Already bound to abilities that are way more important to have ‘at the read’ than Rend.

Meaning that I often don’t remember to even apply Rend in the first place, much less keep it up. Because ‘5’-key is “out of bounds” in terms of a ‘memory item’ to use; it’s not comfortable to try and reach naturally. However, Deep Wounds is up pretty much the entire time for fights; both PVE and PVP.

So, it would be nice if Taste for Blood would proc on either of our bleeds. I don’t believe it would be broken either since there’s a cooldown (every 6 seconds) that Taste can even proc the Overpower. Meaning doubling up Rend and Wounds isn’t going to allow Overpower to be spammed. It’ll still only be available every 6 seconds, regardless of which bleed triggered it.

Taste for Blood procs should come from both rend and deep wounds and the procs should allow Overpower to be used in Berserker Stance


And make it a skill book instead of a rune

Would be awesome

That works, would allow for each stance to have a ‘no avoid’ attack. :thinking:

Not in defensive stance.

And overpower in Berserker Stance wouldn’t be broken like Rogues ‘backstabbing’ from the front.

Taste for Blood as it is essentially locks you in Battle Stance without 4pc T1 which is dumb, especially in PvP.


Arms needs a 200% dmg buff straight up. Its hitting for less than dot ticks and i mean everything from white dmg to skills. An arms warrior in the wild is a free kill


pro tip - the bloodfrenzy rune is almost useless. Rend goes from 25 dmg to 125 dmg, hooray! In raid with full CDs and world buffs stacked it can start to push 500 but usually its a pretty useless amount of damage, generally around 2-3% of your total damage.

Moonkin moonfire dot tic and sunfire dot tic meanwhile does more damage than mortal strike so…

There is an extremely viable 2h spec. Go play it; do you TRULY notice a difference using MS vs Slam/BT/Raging?

Yep, I just wanted to make it clear that I’m only using Rend because I have to to get Overpower procs, and how much better it would be if Wounds would trigger Taste.

Instant fear me from priest, lol… (if you don’t pre zerker rage)

this is like telling any class to just go play a different spec

why do rogues have to have all 3 talent trees playable in PVE and PVP? Why does hunter on top of ranged need 1h and 2h melee specs, and all 3 talent trees playable?

why can mage heal, be fire OR frost, and arcane still is at least “playable”

Arms does half the dmg of the next worst dps, this is unacceptable

Really need a blue post on what they are thinking in regards to Arms warrior.

They arnt thinking. We are all sitting here shouting into the void.

Warriors are a class that need support. Missing windfury (this stems from 1 class bringing itnon allianve that has a better dps option for raids) is the biggest loss and should be baked into warrior, the experience without it is the worst.

Give me bladestorm for aoe.
Give me titans grip for general dps.
Give me something more than what we have.

Reals change made gearing an alt for sets a dream so rerolls in the future for many warriors i think.

Zirene on twitter said that weren’t supporting Arms spec, and that it would take a lot of work to fix (it wouldnt). Basically they made sure rogue had 3 viable talent trees for PVP and PVE + a tank spec, mage got a tank spec + 3 viable talent trees, hunter has 3 viable talent trees + 1h and 2h melee… lock has 3 playable trees + a tank spec, etc. Just no time budget left to make sure warrior can use 3 talent trees - you get two! And you also get the be at the bottom of everything with those 2 talent trees.

Warrior has 3 viable specs: Prot tank, 2H dps, and DW dps.

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a rogue can play all 3 talent trees in pvp and pve and tank so using your logic that is 7 specs? Arms as a talent tree isn’t playable and does half the dmg of the 2nd worst dps in the game. its below all the tanks. If it did the same damage as a rogues or hunters worst dps spec that would be a massive upgrade.