Warriors still in a hole

if that’s true you’d have to say that that’s a very large overperformance by him and a very large underperformance by your caster core, its certainly not the norm, they should be gaining millions on him during hodir / vezax and i don’t know where he could make that back outside of kologarn

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I mean this just isn’t true. You might personally have this as your reality but that doesn’t mean that is the case for every single fury warrior playing the game right now.

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Depends on how dedicated people are on trash DPS. You watch a Nota run and their 8 locks are consistently hitting 15k+ DPS on trash pulls, rogues hitting 40k+ and they just obliterate the raid. That isn’t the case for most runs and then you’ll see ret/fury higher than they would be because they’re getting more uptime on trash.

ICC is around the corner just ask for shadowmourne

This is pretty much it - they used Fury as a threshold for phase 2. They were explicit about it. A spurious choice in my view due to Warrior being an under represented class but whatevs. Is what it is. Outperform.

Besides we aren’t doing too badly at the end of the phase on fights we are well suited to. The fight mechanics of ToC will be much more favourable. We are not in a hole so much as a small ditch that we are starting to climb out of.

Prot offspec don’t count bro.

The only actual fury warriors out there are guild masters who force their guild to carry them through raids. Literally no one actually plays it cause it’s garbage. And since no one plays it, no one lobbies for it.

Facts suck eh?

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No joke though, with the buff I think rets will have fair claim on first dibs on Shadowmourne. They will be competing for S tier in ICC whereas Warriors will be more like upper A.

People don’t realise that the power of the ICC 2 piece for Ret is that it changes the ratio of their damage such that they are able to scale much better with physical damage stats like ArP and such than they could without the set bonus. Ret will be a powerhouse in P4. Unless Blizzard readjust the buff they received by that phase. That’s not relevant now though but down the line I can see this being a cause for some forum activity, once the numbers start coming through in P4 ;p

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Nobody has said to reroll off paladin. You’re being utterly ridiculous to represent anyone in that fashion.

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That’s an outright lie about warlocks. Bad warlocks exist. Bad DKs exist. This is a fact.

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