Warriors Should Be Able to Mog Warglaives

Uh, no? They’re not? Moonglaives are. Totally different thing. Double-bladed warglaives are a demon thing.

That would be hunters.

dont forget that the new night elf warglaives, they are marked in the ingame mog collection tab under both one hand sword and warglaives. even though demon hunters can already mog warglaives onto one hand swords anyways, which means one hand swords and warglaives are interchangable

Uuuh yeah? They are? There’s ‘Moonglaive’ models in-game under the weapon-classification of ‘Warglaives’ :upside_down_face:

Not so “Totally different” to the devs.

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I would actuary like to mog the leggo warglaives that i have sitting in the bank, but you know cant have everything

I hate that I can’t mog warglaives but am an elf. Makes no sense.

It was always both. Hunters just became more known for it because they’d need on everything.

I think it’s pretty ridiculous that my warrior who has the warglaives from BT can’t mog them, but a class that didn’t even exist back then can now mog them lol


Not only that, but a special achievement was even carved out for said class. DHs were a twinkle in Daddy Ion’s eye and he has refused to let commonsense take over.


Same ordeal with rogues.


On very rare occasions, when my guild is short a melee on a boss we well and truly have on farm, I pull out the ol Melee Lock spec and start bonking fools with my staff!

And make it so we can mog one handers over two handers. My nelf warrior should be able to use the nelf glaives as transmog.

It’s stupid to have the Sentinel’s Moonglaive not usable by night elf sentinel classes. It’s a traditional night elf weapon.

Warriors (a class known as a weapons master) should have access to every melee weapon. That includes warglaives. At the very least, warriors have had more than enough time to talk to DHs and learn enough about warglaives to master them.

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1: We get the warglaves.
2: We give them to a demon hunter.
3: We pick the demon hunter up by their scrawny goth-elf neck and brandish them at our enemies.

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If any other class is getting warglaives it’s the kings of the OG glaives, rogues. Warriors can sit on the bench and wait. Warglaives were rogue loot before they were cool.