Warriors NEED to be Vanilla Warriors (Not 1.12)

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We defend our people ma’am not our egos if you need healing I will lend a hand.

27% dw
17% caster
9% iirc for 2h or special attacks ( I’m more fuzzy on this one )

This was for mobs 3 levels higher than you.
Pvp had different ones.

most classes carry multiple sets around, warriors arent special. the majority of classes carry around at minimum a PvE set, a PvP set and then potentially a farming set depending on the class e.g priests

1.12 was vanilla you yutz

Think I will make a game out of how low can I let the obnoxious warriors health go.


Source to back that up?

If we’re going off personal feelings then I’ll say my feeling is that classic will be filled with mostly people who are

A) dissatisfied by retail
B) have unfinished vanilla business
C) private server fanatics

All 3 of those categories have far more elitists in it. Most of the general scrub population you speak of is perfectly happy with BFA. Mat farming, no-lyfing ez content for infinite upgrades, now more alt-friendly than legion, random queues for everything
 Literally all far more friendly to the person who wants a braindead timesucking grind machine, which is what the “average” wow player wants. They might indulge their curiosity for a week before they lose interest.

What will be left will be elitists and raiders.

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The warrior rage generation and class balancing arguments that abound around this forum tend to overlook a critical flaw within this coming classic release: Classic WoW was, in many ways, about adaptation. Part of that adaptation was adapting to ongoing balance patches.

However, that’s no longer the case. There will be one static patch unless Blizzard changes their minds, patch 1.13 (1.12 with backend support changes). This means, for one instance, that warriors have to have their improved shield slam and the resulting higher threat cap, or no one’s clearing Patchwerk, Loatheb, or Thaddeus. Even though we can’t take these challenges on immediately due to a small time gate, if they plan to never change any class we have to have the tools available in the first place. Even if they decide otherwise, they currently plan for that, so
yeah. Warriors get to stay and shaman get to stay out of raiding.

As a small fix to all that, I’d love to see annual balance tweaks: release the game as close as feasible to the day before BC pre-patch dropped, do the content time gating, let it all be until, say, 3 months after the first Kel Thuzad kill, and then continue classic from there. An occasional rebalance rather than lettting everything calcify would be the best for it’s longer term health.

A) 1.13 does not HAVE to have the higher threat cap, and B) The game should be balanced around more than what 5% of the players may ever see. Dialing warrior threat back to when DPS aggro management was a necessity would solve a number of issues. Leaving it overpowered would leave those things ruined just to appease a minuscule number of players and content.

Dial back the threat cap and surgically tweak the rare late vanilla instances where DPS needs to go full bore. Don’t leave the baby out on the curb with the bath water. Bring it back inside and dispose of the water in a more sensible fashion.

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the entire point of creating classic wow is to “recreate the original experience” addressing warriors issues is a necessary step to achieve this.


Feral Druids say hi.

I haven’t read all 100+ replies to this thread and don’t intend to.
I’m assuming that the OP is keeping up with his thread, though, and I want to address him directly.

#1 No one who has been clamoring for official vanilla wow servers has been doing so that they might be able to play “wow as it was intended to be”. 300,000 people signed a petition so that they could play wow as it was

#2 You’re beginning your viewpoint from an erroneous place. I mained a warrior in vanilla. A dps warrior. And I was topping my guild’s damage meters in late 2005. In molten core gear. I didn’t need AQ or Naxx gear before I got scary.


Exactly, which is why it is cringe-worthy when pro change people think the hot take of “the developers intended to” means diddly.

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pure dps dont need to do that at all.

Couldn’t care less about the whole warrior thing regarding the OP.
However, one thing he/she got right is that 1.12 is not the authentic Vanilla experience. Not even close.


‘Authentic experience’ is subjective.

We already knew it is quite literally impossible to roll back the clock to 2004 and progress through to 2006, and Bliz has never claimed they could do that- only that they were committed to using 1.12 data on the current back-end to minimize ongoing support. That in itself however is ‘not authentic’.

So it is really a question of what changes are ‘acceptable’ and always has been.

As to the OP, I don’t see how singling out warriors for some sort of Franken-rebalance is supportable logically without also considering the same for other classes, and if we do that, now we are sliding down that slippery slope (which doesn’t terrify me personally, but I will acknowledge the potential to end up with ‘vanilla with sprinkles’ so leaving it alone is IMO a better compromise at least for the first iteration of the Classic experiment).

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Singling out warriors and rolling back threat changes FIXES issues of other classes.

Also, just because people want a more authentic vanilla experience does not mean a “roll back of the clock to 2004”. Put the strawman away.

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At this point we don’t even know the fidelity of the numbers they had. We know they were having issues having to patch in bits of info when they were running the client on the current backbone. There could also be issues with how the client interprets the data that may have unintended consequences on dps/threat which I would be shocked if they weren’t testing those numbers to at least make sure they were feasible.
I think we should wait and see how the final product actually runs before we draw our lines in the sand. Who knows, they could tweak the numbers anyways. People keep saying they said they won’t change anything but the also said they were adding a dance studio and look where that got us.

Vanilla warriors need to be Vanilla warriors (not 1.12)

Translated: Vanilla warriors need to be Vanilla warriors, not Vanilla warriors.


I too stop reading threads beyond the title and just blurt out a response.