Warriors are worst among melee classes

I love Talladega Nights. It is one of my top 10 all time movies.

It’s not just warriors: other melee class/specs have been discontinued too.

It really is from what I played.

Warriors are literally the best melee DPS class right now. What are you smoking, my guy?

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lol what we aren’t close to the bottom by a long shot.

Imagine being a WW monk! Oof. They’re really pushing people to tank and heal nowadays.

To be real with you, we are the bottom dps spec in ny’alotha currently right now, sure a good WW monk can outdps a warrior but if a warrior (arms for example) that is good can beat the WW monk in terms of dps, we are also the low middle of the pact dps but still have some representation in high keys.

Windwalkers scale poorly with gear and still going to continue through this situation in Shadowlands as far as I’m hearing and seeing and hoping they address it at some point.

Its been that way since with WoD, its either Brewmaster or Mistweaver, I don’t generally hate those specs though. Windwalker during Legion felt pretty good when playing them.

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Edited to add: Crap…Meriweather here. Forgot to change character back after alt thread.

These changes have me seriously considering staying resto for SL. I’ve always enjoyed enh as the off spec