Warriors are worst among melee classes

If you gave that self healing to Arms they’d be pretty much unstoppable.

You forgot execute. :wink:

Implying 4 button mongo is harder than 5 button mongo.

wars are actually in a good place atm
maybe you just suck- try getting to 120?

They are putting that 10% haste on the Frothing Berserker talent, which could be helped by speccing into Fresh Meat or Furious Slash (since you need to keep up rage for it to be worth it). Plus probably adjustments were made for soulbinds.

So we’ll probably be our usual, slow starting out the expac, but things will pick up as we get geared.

Eh. I’m not sure if I exactly like that. Furious Slash is pretty annoying to keep up, but I’m happy to see Frothing Berserker come back after being completely unused in BFA.

Legion Fury was pretty fun, but while I enjoy BFA Fury, it kinda dumbed down the spec a bit too much.

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Have you played a Paladin ever? Lol


DHs are stupidly OP but Warriors are normally pretty well off in terms of Melee DPS. The really bad Melee DPS are Paladins and Shamans.

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This is what the talents look like now in Alpha:

Honestly not too sure how I feel about the Fury changes in SL. Nerfing Enrage just seems so unnecessary. I am glad to see Massacre getting buffed though.

I really like those talents though. It’s like a blend between BFA and Legion. I swear, the Fury designers deserve more praise. They’re great. I’m really happy to see how we can augment Whirlwind with Fervor of Battle and Wrecking Ball (how I missed that talent)

I play mine to leap off of insane heights and to bodily slam myself into the ground while screaming bloody murder and daring the ground to hurt me.

I then walk away as explosions happen in the distance behind me blowing my hair around me in beautiful slow motion.


Ret paladin isn’t bad though

Visions of perfection literally makes the spec so much better

Until SL starts.

Here are the Protection and Arms talents at this point in Alpha as well:

Lots of people from the paladin discord say ret paladin in alpha is in a good spot

You’re using a 310 weapon that’s why you feel like it’s not good

When you get the gear, you’ll be getting 150k+ Templars verdict crits

Also I like to point out that your weapon doesn’t even have strength on it, it has agility…

I have better weapons lol, just not any that aren’t corrupted. I wouldn’t say that Ret is bad but to say Warrior is worse DPS wise is laughable to me.

LFR maut literally gives you a real good weapon

Upgrade your cloak, get the weapon and your damage will increase alot

That’s the one I’m waiting to use.

Aw hell Hamstar I was high when I said that!

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