I will not be wasting 10 silver coins on the weapon. Yes it does damage but no, it doesn’t look good. Can’t be seen with it.
Gave every other class cool lookin weapons and you SHAFT Warriors with some staff lookin cudgel. lol.
I will not be wasting 10 silver coins on the weapon. Yes it does damage but no, it doesn’t look good. Can’t be seen with it.
Gave every other class cool lookin weapons and you SHAFT Warriors with some staff lookin cudgel. lol.
And huh
Is this a classic wow thing?
What’s STV?
Straight To Video?
Single Track Vehicle?
Subjective Theory of Value?
StrangleThorn Vale?
Sucks To View?
Simple Times Variable?
Single Target…Veapon?
Wrong forum.
Good to know
Ten silver? That’s outrageous!
The OP is Burgerbar, not Hotdogbar lol
Yes, original poster posted this Season of Discovery complaint on the wrong forums.
Stranglethorn Vale.
Says the warrior in one of the ugliest tier sets