Warrior vs Druid Tank. How Large Is the Difference?

While I am still heavily debating on which class to play as, my friends are planning on playing a Priest and a Rogue, so I was thinking maybe I should play as a Tank so that we’d always have a Tank, Healer, and DPS in our party. Druids are one of the fastest levelers in Classic while Warriors are one of, if not, the slowest levelers. Druids are item independent while Warriors are entirely dependent on their gear, but while Druids have the option between Healing, DPS, and Tanking, they’re not close to the top in any of the three while Warriors are powerhouses in the Tank tree. How large exactly is the difference in strength in Tanking between Druids and Warriors and what are some things I should consider or am wrong about?

Warrior all the way.

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As long as you’re not intending to Raid as a Druid Tank, you have no real issues whatsoever tanking all the other content. Some of the top level dungeons might be a bit harder, but that’s about it.

If you want to Raid on the character and aren’t willing to heal when it comes to that content, then I’d roll a warrior.

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druids take more damage than warriors do over time, but make single-target threat better than warriors do, and druids get spiked far more often than warriors do
I’m unsure about AoE threat

in dungeons, the difference is negligible, and pretty much anybody will take you as a tank

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Crushing blows.

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Short Version for raiding:

Horde: It almost definitely won’t happen unless you’re in a very very casual guild.
Alliance: Workable if you farm the effort/specific tank items. Might find one even in some semi-hardcore guilds but probably none in hardcore guilds.

Cat/Bear Druid do not benefit from Windfury Totem which is major dps/tps loss. It’ll be very difficult to pull off on Horde.

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Druids cannot block or parry, and those are a huge part of damage mitigation at endgame. Druids also do not benefit from weapon skills or weapon procs, which shows itself against endgame raid bosses.

Top that off with no real DR cooldowns for bear form, and you’re basically just a stop-gap warrior with no versatility. Unfortunately, shifting out of bear to use your other abilities is an instant death against most raid bosses, and because druids are limited in what they can cast in their forms, their toolkit is very minimal.

Druids can make good tanks for 5 mans, but not really anything past that, at least not until the tanking changes that came with burning crusade. That said, they are pretty good 5 man tanks, and even as a resto-feral hybrid spec my druid used to fill in as a tank all the time for basic dungeon runs. Was especially fun being a dps or healer in a run and being able to go bear and taunt the enemies when the warrior died.

If you want to tank go warrior, druids make nifty off tanks and tanks during leveling but at 60 warriors are the tanks.

Warriors are tanks and literally the best dps in the game when geared properly.

Druids are healers that can do other things in trivial content.

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Be honest with yourself. Are you going to be in a raiding guild doing progression? Yes? You want to stick with Warrior 100%.
You just going to do dungeons and maybe clear trash or do some easy raid bosses once in a while if everyone is bored enough? Druid is fine. Remember, 99% of your play time is typically not pushing raid content with your guild. Play what is fun. But also don’t invest time in a “tank” that is not going to be viable in raids if you honestly believe that is where you want to be.

Warrior is Ruby Weapon

Edit: my bad I thought this was the general forums lol…

About 7 tons of booty

What is the context you are looking for? Are you planning on main tanking end game raids as a druid? You are probably out of luck there unless you make your own guild.

For 5 mans, you can tank just fine. The beta is level capped at 30 right now, but I’ve been tanking in it for groups in gnomer, razor fens, and stocks without any problem at all.

Every class is highly gear dependent.
The speed difference in leveling the two is negligible in the long run.
Just go warrior.

well with parry and dodge being so high on mobs warrior will be bis. sorry druids