Warrior Utility

Warrior needs utility beyond Commanding Shout and the other Shouts people say are utility but are never taken because they’re so bad.

Two Words: Endurance Aura.

Passive Movespeed buff like Windwalking with potentially an attack speed/haste buff, pending balance.

Wow devs you can send the royalties straight to my bank account, thank you.

Sorry my brain just blue screened, what?

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Intervene should be a flat dmg reduction on target

Rally should give 20% HP minimum


I don’t think this would make them more desirable, unless it is some group damage buff like the second part of your suggestion. Most classes have enough mobility, and druids and shamans are brought to dungeons because of there group mobility spells.

Desirable utility in my opinion starts with the needs for the dungeon

  • Lust, Bres - always needed and valuable until they buff drums or have some way for players to have access to a bres without being an engineer.
  • Hard CCs, Dispels/soothes - Dungeons and affixes in the past have required long 30s-1min CCs (1st boss in necrotic wake), as well as spells that remove deadly poisons, diseases, magic, curses, and enrage effects.

and then you have stops, which most classes (at least dps specs) seem to be fairly balanced on, that are really valuable. As well as spells to help skip certain trash, group mobs more quickly, or group defensives.

I have heard and read some warriors asking for warrior to have unique utility, but I don’t even think they necessarily need anything unique, just anything that most other classes have will more then help with warriors issues getting into pugs and contributing to their group aside from doing damage.

I wrote a lengthy post (Warrior Class Tree Issues) about issues in the class tree and some utility solutions, let me know what you think.

With that being said, I and many others agree with you that warriors need more utility in dungeons.

just bring back vigilance when it was a 30% DR CD we could apply to someone.

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What shouts? Tbh in order to be good dps we sacrifice piercing howl and intimidating shout, so we have even less utility


Even if we could talent into PH and IS, and the rest of our utility for that matter, we still have the weakest dungeon utility kit in the game. We need most utility and less damage talents in our class tree.

Each build can get away with ~2 points of customization, though you’re typically dropping lesser defensive talents for extra things, rather than damage.

Endurance Training is the big exception to that, but the entire row is scuffed due to how disproportionately imbalanced those talents are. Frankly, the entire row needs to be rebalanced or reworked before you could ever consider dropping Wild Strikes (as Arms) or Armored to the Teeth.


Is warrior getting more utility in war within? I heard they’re getting more stuns at least but not sure.

Short answer: No.

Long answer: Noooooooooooooooooooo.

Short Answer: We’ve gained most of the utilty we lost from the transiton of SL to Dragonflight, but we haven’t gained new utility short of a few class nodes (Berserker Shout for example) that can be difficult to take.

Long Answer: The short answer, but also not. There’s a lot of changes that are occurring in terms of Dungeon Design where Warriors really struggled with utility. The good news is most affixes are gone. Affixes like Afflicted that have helped highlight our lack of low-man utility, are no longer in M+. These were things that previously required long CCs (Polymorph, Shackle Undead, Paralysis, etc.) a dispel of somesort, or things that moved enemies (Typhoon, Death Grip, Ring of Peace, etc.) are less mandatory for mechanics such as Sanguine are all not a factor anymore. The playing field has been leveled some by this change.

The biggest issue however is the overall change to Dungeon Design and the changes to stops. If you’re unaware currently on live whenever an enemy that can be CC’d is hit with a stop (Stun, Fear, Disorient, etc.) that spell/ability they were casting gets put on Cooldown.

In TWW the stop will still prevent the spell/ability from being cast, but it won’t put the enemy’s spell on Cooldown. As such once the stop ends enemies will begin using that ability again. This can result in a lot of enemies just chain casting making stops less beneficial. So this weakens some of our utility (Shockwave, Intimidating Shout, Stormbolt).

Interrupts will be far more important of a utility with these changes, which is good for prot with Disrupting Shout, but kinda buns for Arms and Fury.


Thanks for your insightful reply. In your opinion will this make warrior a lot more palatable for pugs, or is something like retribution a significantly safer option? (I don’t mind having to work harder for groups but I don’t want to be ignored).

I don’t see our popularity changing terribly from DF to TWW. You’ll probably get accepted into groups at the same rate as you do now, unelss Warriors are overtuned and become flavor of the month.

A bigger issue, and not trying further the doomer mentality, but I think if dungeons ship in their current iteration, melee will largely be avoided due to the design of a lot of the new dungeons and re-works. The dungeons currently on beta are extremely melee unfriendly. The role is subjected to a lot of effects (more than usual) that force them away from melee range hurting uptime. Additonaly many of these abilities are extremely lethal if you make a mistake and are hit by one. So not a Warrior specific issue, but a role specific issue one.

At the end of the day though, if you have fun with Warrior, play Warrior. You’ll perform way better playing a class and spec you enjoy rather trying to play something you enjoy less.

They need a lust button called Warlord’s Fury

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I love fury and prot. I am a firm believer in warrior tanks.