Warrior Tanking

A good warrior is fine, but druids are great when im aoeing on my mage.

What this man says.

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A warrior is literally only as good as the DPS allows. Druids are merely better at covering for sloppy aoe happy zoomers.

If DPS actually follows marked kill order, assist rather than nuke whatever they please whenever they feel like it, then runs go smoothly with less downtime between pulls. BuT mA mEtErS!


First time you’re not gonna be raged-starved while tanking will be DW fury tanking in MC

Warrior tanking sucks at low levels and gets better after the 30s and 40s when you have enough talents.

I played prot for a while at 60 and it felt better than the pure fury DPS spec has, but fury isn’t awful. Arms is probably better just to cleave capabilities. It’s also about learning the dungeon and which mobs to care about. When I do live strat I tell DPS to kill the casters because they’re squishy and dont hurt while I build threat on melee ones.

As far as 2H tanking goes don’t listen to the mooks who says you can’t do it (especially lower levels), but also don’t think of it as the only way to play. When I dinged into my 30s and had sweeping strikes a charge into SS into a whirlwind gave me all the threat I needed. I would stay 2H if damage was light and go sword/board if damage was heavy. Just bind weapon macros so you can adapt to the situation because mindless 2H play can lead to sad times.

I have done it less at 60, but the fury tank spec is good and if you get overgeared you can absolutely DW threat tank. If you’re going for min/maxing you can also chug armor pots to make up for the loss of the shield armor.

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One reason for this could be lack of initializing AoE threat on targets. Marking kill order can possibly help to prevent this from happening, e.g.

/party Kill order is:
/party {skull}: highest kill priority
/party {cross}: second kill priority
/party {moon}: sheep target/lowest kill priority

Have a look at Elite’s Warrior Tanking Guide for some useful macros and other Classic Warrior tanking tips. You may find it useful.


A common mistake I see warriors make is over prioritizing sunder over revenge. Revenge is an awesome threat ability for tanking large groups of enemies. At low level, if there’s a non-elite attacking a DPS don’t worry about it. The elites are really your priority.


This is another good tip about revenge. Shield block and revenge often. As a fury tank a lot of what I do is sunder spam, but I’m also spamming shield block and revenge.

Find a good time to berserker rage as well for extra rage. You can do it right before the charge or after a mob has died or you popped shield block. Macro it to stance swapping so you can go back to D stance quickly.

And finally rage pooling is a thing. If the mob is close to death don’t dump rage into it, pool it. Keep tabs on bloodrage so you can pop it after combat and build extra rage for next pull and don’t stance swap.


If you have initialized threat, you can likely hold it with only battle shout + white hits.

WIth regards to threat values, Magey’s WIKI has a table ( https://github.com/magey/classic-warrior/wiki/Threat-Mechanics#threat-values) that illustrates your point about Sunder Armor vs Revenge:

Spell Rank Threat
Sunder Armor 1 46
Revenge 1 82
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Thank you. Thank. You. Run like those mobs from anyone giving you this “advice”.

Deadmines is gonna test your mettle as a tank, tho it’s an excellent test. Many a tank has thought “I’m holding aggro just fine!”.

As I recently said to a friend, “okay we’ll test that. We’ll do Deadmines & see if that’s true”. Think of Deadmines as a tool to gague how well you’re actually holding aggro because this is a very normal experience, OP.

Also this. There are some OG players around. The very second they start talking about “needing DPS” to Tank I stop listening. Does it not occur to people there’s a reason a Tank is called a Tank & DPS is called DPS? It’s like people forgot we’re playing our class here. Clearly there’s a ton of confusion on what a Tank’s actual “job” is. :thinking:


Omg this. Rage pool.

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Not doing that and using heroic strike probably causes more problems than anything for newer tanks.

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I quit tanking a month ago because very few people understand these old agro mechanics.

In the pugs I’ve been in since as heals, Tanks still very much seem overworked. Takes 150% effort just to keep everyone else’s ignorance from wiping the party.

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Which goes completely out the window if dps don’t feel like it.

Yup, and those people are typically the ones who whine that they cannot find tanks.

There’s a quote from the guide that I particularly like, regarding that:

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Of course. But unless the healer does the same and lets them die, they end up panic healing, drawing healing aggro, running out of mana and the group wipes.

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At the end of the day, i purposely dont use any “dump” abilities if i know i have aggro. I keep the rage. That being said its getting harder and harder because my guild raids and i have no interest in doing so.

Totally wrong. Arms tanking 31/5/15 was the most common warrior tanking spec in vanilla. It’s still perfectly viable although a Fury spec like 0/21/20 seems to be the preferred spec for a lot of people these days.

As to the OP yeah at low levels especially the first couple of instances you are going to be rage starved and have a hard time controlling mobs without CC. If the group doesn’t want to use CC control what you can and hope your DPS knows how to deal with the ones they pull.

For single target TPS, whether they know that or not :wink: