What you guys/girls think?
I’ve looked at it for two seconds and I’m happy to see Berserker Stance back!
Punishment/Condemn needs to be removed from being Arms only.
This is way better on Fury/Prot IMO. Condemn made the fury rotation feel great and I had such snap threat as Prot using Condemn to start the encounter.
Condemn just didn’t feel right playing arms compared to the other two. DOn’t know Blizzards rational behind this.
Liking what I’m seeing. As a sad former shadow main who’s going warrior or shaman this expansion, glad to see both classes got a nice foundation. People here were worried since warrior was one of the last to get released - looks like crisis adverted.
I’m pumped for Dragonflight after seeing these trees.
There is so much sustain available in general now.
Like… so much…
It’s glorious.
I’m hyped to see WW go back to a cd ability for arms, it’s been so useless for so long.
I’m guessing this is wrong in the new Warrior tree, lol. Probably a mistype?
Just looked at the fury tree and I’m pretty excited. Stances, odyn’s fury, shockwave, spear, cold steel hot blood, etc.
Especially for a first pass, it looks amazing. My favorite part so far being the actual class tree.
Yeah, don’t look to hard into numbers. They’re not accurate or finalized.
Finally I can play Fury with Second Wind!
I’ll definitely be fiddling with the SMF side of the tree.
Unless I missed it, it doesn’t seem like Condemn made it
I really like Condemn and I was hoping it would become a talent and carry over into Dragonflight.
Stances being back is awesome! The different builds are very fun to try and work out right now.
Biggest gripe (from a pvp perspective) is that fury gets access to Die by the Sword, and Arms doesn’t get access to another defensive, like Enraged Regen. Feelsbadman
It did. 6th row in the middle of the arms tree. Pretty positive I saw it in the fury tree too. It’s labeled as a choose one between that and Exploit the Weakness.
Keep it mind it’s not going to be as strong as it is in Shadowlands because it’s not going to be shadow damage like Condemn was.
Edit: nevermind, maybe it isn’t in the fury tree. But it definitely is in arms’ tree. I imagine they will add it to fury at some point however.
its actually ridiculous how stacked fury looks
Ah I see it. It’s called Punishment now and only seems to be in the Arms tree
I prefer Fury and I really liked that it did shadow damage. I hope it makes it to Fury as the trees are iterated upon. Even without it being shadow damage, I liked being able to open with Execute/Condemn.
Quickly glancing over I’m glad we have stances back.
My big issue is for fury Fury and Prot only have ravager as an option. I hope in a future build it would be a choice node between Bladestorm/Ravager instead. I never have been a fan of Ravager.
Also cool we are seeing things like Shield Charge and Odyn’s Fury. Got some theory crafting and builds to do before I do some more nit picking.
That prot tree tho
Arms having skull banner but not fury is going to be incredibly problematic.
Can we PLEASE for the love of god get rid of the new second wind requiring Warriors to not be hit for it to take effect… Lets go back to the days when you dropped below 30% and second wind healed you per second for a % to keep you going!!!
It doesn’t make sense for a Warrior to run away to heal, not to mention fury gets all the healing in the world!!