To put it simply, the aforementioned change to the warrior class talent tree coming up in 11.1.0 while welcome in it’s defensive increase by putting our stamina talent in the 2nd rung of the tree over the 3rd, it’s brought forward some issues with mandatory talent pathing and reduced the ‘free points’ that we have in the current live build that players could customise and pickup talents they liked over others or the ability to pickup utility which is no longer the case with the projected changes.
To put it simply we’ve got too many points to invest into damage in the 2nd rung of the tree which leaves us with next to no points free to pick what we’d like to bring utility wise.
Mandatory point allocation is the following for each spec.
1/1 Spell reflect - 1/1 Rallying Cry,
2/2 Crushing Force - 1/1 Overwhelming Rage - 2/2 Reinforced Plates
1/1 Barbaric Training/Sidearm, 1/1 Double time.
And for AoE - 1/1 Seismic Reverberation, which can be skipped by Slayer Fury however it is mandatory in Most AOE builds especially for Colossus prot unless this bug has been fixed, Revenge will not generate colossal might stacks without it talented which is/was a major bug oversight (someone can confirm this if they’re more up to date, but it still counts as a mandatory dps investment for all hero talent combinations excluding Slayer Fury).
This spends 9-10 of our 12 available talent points once we enter the 2nd rung of the tree leaving us next to no freedom in actually picking up utility that we could not pickup along the way, most likely the 2 ‘free’ points in the AoE builds will be locked into Shockwave + Rumbling Earth meaning we have no free points as this also pigeon holes us into not being able to take abilities such as Intimidating Shout, Berserker Shout/Piercing Howl, increased thunder clap range for Arms/Prot/Thane Fury, Bitter immunity, Bounding Stride, Hones Reflexes, Wrecking Throw/Shattering Throw alongside many more since once we’ve filled out the 2nd rung every single point of our remaining 11 talent points is dedicated to the 3rd rung of the tree with no chance of going back and picking utility we want like other classes.
Previously on live with Overwhelming Rage being a 2 point allocation it was the first talent to dump if you wanted additional utility since we could dial this back to a 15 rage cap increase to put a point elsewhere, but the move to Reinforced Plates being a 2 point investment instead has lost us our flexible points and has given us next to no agency in picking what we prefer or want for a certain encounter since the opportunity cost of losing a 30% rage cap increase over a 15% increase is not worth it at all.
The easiest fix in this would be to change both Crushing Force and Reinforced Plates to 1 point talents rather than 2, this allows us to have 4-5 free points to go back and pickup utility we otherwise would never have the chance to, which also puts us inline with other class trees who have a much better time with free points who can pick and choose at will.
I’m aware that the warrior talent tree has less nodes than others, but it does share a similarity with the rogue class tree in the amount of node options that are available in the 1st/2nd rungs of the tree of which they’re all 1 point allocations for rogues.
So there is precedence set already in being able to have only 1 point nodes in a class tree that has a lower amount of available nodes right now. For reference Warriors have 29 nodes available in the 1st/2nd rung with 2 nodes being 2/2 point, while the rogue tree has 26 nodes all of which are 1/1 point investments meaning warriors being able to take 20/29 nodes as opposed to 18/29 nodes will not be broken comparing it to something like rogue which has 20/26 nodes to pick from out of their available talents.
Warrior’s are also unique in that every single point of their last 11 talent points is dedicated to throughput increases in their 3rd and final rung of the tree, with no hope of going back to pickup earlier utility like other classes have access to do or they have utility in the 3rd rung they can pick instead.
Changing these two talents for warrior would open up a lot more options for players to actually get a shorter leap, larger thunderclap radius, a self dispel, actually being able to pickup our fear or piercing howl and is the best way of fixing our class tree until you decide to rework it and nuke most of the throughput nodes we’re forced into the 3rd rung as mandatory investment.
TLDR: Changing Crushing Force/Reinforced Plates to 1 point investments with their 2 point values as they stand now will actually allow warriors to have freedom in their class tree picks as opposed to being locked into cookie cutter builds with no variability of being able to customise what utility they can bring to a group.
P.S. Lastly feedback on the 3rd rung for a future ‘rework’. Just get rid of most of the pointless dps nodes in the 3rd rung. Merge the current follow up nodes of Thunderous Roar/Champion’s Spear into them and put them both on a choice node where you pick between a DoT focused shorter cooldown that’s better on higher target counts or a direct damage focused longer cooldown that’s better for lower target counts.