If you plan to increase a talent you should make sure its working. This talent does not add the damage to your basic attacks as it claims. In testing this i hit the dummy without it my damage was 8,559 basic attack. With the talent is dropped to 8,342. The talent states it adds 11,292 damage to your auto attacks. that means i should be hitting for areound 20,000 damage every basic attack. Instead the numbers lowered after using the talent.
Devastator is a separate source of damage that triggers with each auto-attack; it does not directly increase the damage of that auto-attack, but it does result in more damage done every time you auto-attack.
Most AP-based damage has a range of approx +/- 2.5%, so this would appear to be normal variance.
I’m sorry but did you read the ability? it is an absolute increase. It doesnt state may or chance. It states adds to. That means the auto attack damage is increased to the number given by the talent and not a trigger for chance to add. Furthermore the damage should not decrease when using the talent rather my basic should have increased which as i posted shows that it decreased the overall damage value by 200 points. Please try it yourself. It is not functioning as described nor as intended.
go bloated go
dude is speakin facts
Feel free to look at your damage breakdown via an in-game parsing tool like Details or even open that nifty combat log tab on your chatbox.
Then do the following.
Auto attack once.
You will see the breakdown of the following.
Melee Attack
Whatever else damage proc has decided to grace you with it’s presence on that auto attack.
The wording of the talent is not literal in that it augments the Auto Attack itself, it’s that it adds it as an additional hit on every auto attack. This is also clearly evident in any log you pull up of any prot warrior using this talent (every single one of them).
No matter how you might argue the opposite it functions as already mentioned by Archi in that exact same manner.
As you say details can record the abilities used. The ability states that it is added to your basic atk which would be represented in the damage numbers that appear above a mobs head if you have them active. details may record devastator but it is not doing the damage it claims. i have played with numbers appearing for a long time and if i used any other abilitiy the number it represents will show above the creatures head. again my basic atk auto attacks should show 20k damage and details does not show 20k in damage on one atk it did 8,559 damage without devastator and 8,342 with devastator. damage went down not up.
“Added to”, not a “%increase to the damage of”.
Idk how much clearer people can be for you.
And this can’t possibly be the first time you’ve encountered (the concept of) innate variance. Nearly every RPG uses it.
I think you’ve missunderstood Altani, Since even you wrote added too If you read the talent its literally says added to “ADDED.” There is no % to change as there is no percentage in the equation to change. Your doing addition. So if my basic attack is 7,000 damage and the talent added an additional 11,000 damage. It should go like this 7,000 + 11,000 = 18,000. That is not what the numbers are showing. if my basics hits for 7,000 and the proc as you want to call it hits for 7,000 thats 7,000 + 7,000 = 14,000. There is 4,000 damage missing from the underlined value. There should be minimal if any variance when attacking a dummy that has no resistances to speak of. please consider your responses and try it out yourself.
So I logged in a low warrior alt to see what OP was talking about, and although it doesn’t add to the basic attack dmg, and it’s a second proc, the numbers don’t seem to be correct. The talent says it adds 120 dmg, but the proc is only hitting for 84 dmg, so if anyone could clear that up for me because it is confusing. Also, not that it really matters, it won’t proc at all with a 2 hander.
Because Devastator (along with the majority of Warrior abilities) deals physical damage and tooltips do not account for armor.
It does not say the damage is “added to auto-attacks.” You may disagree with the accuracy of the description, but the talent does work as intended.
As displayed, it states that your auto-attacks deal an additional %AP damage, which they do - it is simply recorded as a separate source of damage instead of combined with normal auto-attack damage. This is intended (for a variety of reasons, not the least of which so that Devastator can trigger secondary effects that auto-attacks cannot), and is consistent with similar abilities like Annihilator.
So we are seeing different things as this is what mine states I’d show you a picture but i cant since im not trust lvl 3. But word for word it says Your auto attacks deal an additional 10,698 physical damage and have a 20% chance to reset the remaining cooldown on shield slam.
You can post one with a % but if that % is converted to a number then that is the number it is giving. In testing it if you go to a dummy the increase is not the same, you will hit the dummy for less than the given value. The first sentence says additional… This is taking into account that im hitting a dummy to see the damage done and with a weapon that does 9 damage, devastor was to do 8,200 damage. The value I was given for that was higher by 2,000 damage than with a lvl 70 weapon with 2,257 damage. My main geared weapon was hitting for less than a 9 damage weapon. Other than that what would trigger an effect off devastator that my auto attacks can not?
Which is the exact same thing - the only difference is the AP% is being converted to a number, and obviously that number is going to derive from your specific gear.
I don’t know your situation, nor is your explanation particularly detailed, so I’m not even going to attempt this - there are a lot of factors that go into weapon damage, from the level of the target you’re hitting to armor, specific buffs/debuffs you may have active, etc.
Suffice to say, however, I can assert with ironclad certainty that the ability is working as intended.
The answer is armor (and possibly some other damage modifiers you’ve not described).
The vast majority of random chance effects like trinkets and Sudden Death do not trigger off of white hits. Only a very select few (Sidearm) do. That said, while there are various reasons for it to be an independent hit; ultimately it doesn’t really matter whether Devastator is a single combined hit or two independent ones.
Okay thank you! How are you getting your tooltip to show percentage?
Look up the spell on Wowhead. The game auto-translates to account for various modifiers like strength, weapon dps, versatility, player buffs, etc.