They got a buff to a weak legendary. And I’m pretty sure those buffs were pve related.
I’m just saying in the future they may get a nerf. But blizz developers play wow casually. If they think warrior is fine where they are at because the tradeoff is no self heal who am I to judge? 
Not sure they’ve played Shadowlands tbh
oof fotm wars making us veteran wars look like apes. we dont know him and we dont claim him
They have. There’s an interview video of a former developer who had another developer ask him what the deal with rogues were after that developer got ganked on his mage in the open world. That’s why they nerfed rogues at the start of SL 
You seriously believe rogues were nerfed because some dev got killed by one? Like you think that was their justification?
Rogues got nerfed because they were literally killing people in ONE GCD. Kyrian was overtuned to hell and combined with the trinket, it was literally a meme the likes of which this game hadn’t seen since S12 day 1 when BM hunter stampede would kill you before the horn sound animation even finished.
Btw, Chris Kaleiki stated openly that the PvP dev team was a 2 man job and now without him it’s just 1 dude.
That’s where the real issue is, that this multi-billion gaming corporate giant can’t even hire a handful of devs to fix their crap.
Warriors DO NOT need a heal, I personally love warrior without one. Means we have to survive another way. Yeah, sometimes it sucks but if you really wanted to add a heal to warrior, nerf intervene then add it or something. Lol bait 10/10
Try watching some of the rival/duelist/gladiator warriors outside orgrimmar dueling equally geared/skilled rogues/shamans/hunters/DK/ret/etc, many of them end the fight with like 75% hp because of things like defensive stance, condemn or kyrian phial, die by the sword, rallying cry and ignore pain making them extremely tanky. It’s probably one of the best times ever to be a warrior and you should know that getting into one… I remember the days that warrior literally couldn’t 1v1 ANYTHING and people just had to accept the fact
If a warrior beats someone in a 1v1 right now that person was AFK or 5 years old.
You’re correct that warrior is a bad 1v1 class sure. But not that bad. Rogue can be beaten 1v1 so can hunter and pally. And most shamans, too. The harder ones are the ones who can be tanky and heal. The reason ret is fairly easy is breaking their shield. Is in combat bandaging still a thing?
We still can’t 1v1 people equal of ilvl with how many hybrid healers there are. Don’t spread this false information that we are extremely tanky, we are but ONLY if we have a healer. I can easily get owned by people like ww or rets 5 ilvls below me because they have super heals, immunities, etc.
Are these not the same ability?
One of them is usable in arenas, and the other has a 10 min cooldown.
Oh so WoG is just a better version.
do i wish we were more self reliant ? yea it kinda sucks sometime but am i willing to give something up for a heal ? i dunno i dont think i am currently
Idk I’m just saying what I’ve seen, I’d never claim they would always win but clearly in some of those duels the opponent made a grave error as people often do, and because warrior has many cooldowns they were able to capitalize on it and actually end up winning with high hp… but perhaps that’s more attributable to a meta where one slip-up means death
Okay, true story. You got me there
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??? you have a self heal! dh dont!
the amount of damage warrior do with condem and execute can be up to 10k + each! thats a third of some ones hp! you apply mortal wound on everything! what you talking about?? and at level 45!?
I was telling him to use something in duels, not saying he should do it in arena since 99.9% of warriors have a healer. also fear is a good way to get a bandage off