Warrior survivability

No callouts, reported

I mean he’s right. My priest can heal in all 3 specs.

You have got to be trolling atm. Arms is currently the best melee spec in game and can prob be argued best all around spec in game. Great utility, great damage.

I know, lets give them WOG type heals that cost very little rage, and a LoH type ability also. That make it better for you… Take it from GOD tier to like Super Sayian 9000?

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My arcane mage would like a talk with you…

Sure, we get self heals on our shields if you damage them, but most of the time they are easily dispelled and the heals never happen versus a competent team.

The game isn’t designed for your individual class to take on every task on it’s own. It’s a team game dweeb.

This made me laugh. Nice troll

Rogue mage S**P making the rounds I see.

play fury, use leaper, get good.

Yea a warrior cant cc and reset like mage and rogue though they dont get the time to go bandage.

yeah when they use their infinite mobility and no-cd CC to run circles around their opponent.

i agree, nerf woyer and buff ret

The tradeoff for being S tier in 2s and 3s is to be garbage in 1vs1 situations. It sucks that you can’t beat anyone in a duel but I’d rather have the glad mount.

Damn better get queuein

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Let’s assume for a split second that you’re not trolling and giving you the benefit of the doubt which by its own logic means you’re not that bright

Based on your transmog I’d say you’re living in the days of 2nd wind

Warriors suck in duels right now wow!! Warrior cant perform in the ONLY form of pvp that doesnt ACTUALLY matter (Duels in front of your major city) but they are the undisputed utility of 2’s and 3’s

Gimme a break & git gud


He is probably serious but also may not have delved into rated pvp. If you try duels or even arena skirmish where it’s mostly double dps…you’re going to get wrecked on your warrior.

Heck, even I get destroyed in skirmishes as double dps.

He doesn’t need to delve into rated pvp to play his class to the fullest extent. You can spam intervene in skirms and BG’s just like you can spam Condemn in a dungeon.

Intervene does not save you lol. You have ignore pain and dstance alongside venthyr general draven conduit to get 30% damage reduction below 40% health. But that health bar is only going to drop and people know this. So they will just chip at you while running away to self heal.

He must have had some very tilting games :smiley:

But if he tried arena with a competent healer? He’ll know how strong warrior is right now.

Intervene is literally a melee bubble for your teammate on a 30 second cooldown and I won’t even discuss Overwatch.

Why should warriors have self healing? They have D stance, ignore pain on a laughable CD, disarm, DBTS, rally, spell reflect, I can go on.

The fact that this guy thinks Warrior is bad is hilarious.

You are taking what he said out of context. He is saying it is bad in 1vs1 situations. And it is without a doubt the worst class to play in 1vs1 situations.

I play rated with my warrior and I am quite happy with how it is right now. It might get nerfed a bit but it has a lot of utility to make up for no self heals.

… and?

Have you read the patch notes?