Warrior still feels awful, because of the meta tho, not the class itself

what would u say the best warr comp is atm? feel like they are all incredibly mid

Warrior sp prob

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WPP/Kitty probably.

fridge when we qing ww war


Warrior has many flaws but 2 stand out immensely

  • The only plate user that gets destroyed by slows and roots, the others having multiple ways to deal with them.

  • The only class that deals pure MELEE physical damage. Not only does slows and roots shut down our damage completely, so does disarm, and so does any physical damage invulnerability (immune, dodge, parry).

We either get rooted + slowed all our go or stunned into Disarm = 8 to 10 sec damage shut down (FrostDK suffers from this last one and you can see how miserable they feel to play)

Warrior kit needs to be refreshed to modern game

Or if that’s too much to ask:

  • Reintroduce Living Steel Weapon Chain as a Gem/Embellishment/Enchant to deal with disarm
  • Remove the absolutely no brain pvp modifier on Relentless Pursuit cooldown. How is acceptable that Paladin can Immune himself + and ally for 8 seconds with 25 sec CD to slows/roots, yet Warrior can’t have a self slow/root break on a 30 sec CD, tied to Charge, that wont make him immune to the next slow/root.

Warrior also needs a passive like Death’s Advance where he can’t be slowed beyond a certain point. Being shutdown the whole game by slows on a class that can’t do anything unless its at melee range is just absurd.


I told them not to buff warrior until I leveled mine up and started playing it.
I said I want it to be stupid OP so I can be strong in honor gear and just wreck everyone anyway.
They can do minor nerfs once I’m geared up. Nothing too big.
Just enough to keep people quiet while I rank up a bit.

I’m playing warlock and shadow priest, so that doesn’t jive with my personal desires at the moment.

That’s roughly the same damage range as peak MM Aimed Shot damage around 610 with procs without the heal debuff, not a bad trade off honestly, especially for an instantaneous ability.

Avatar beats roots, did they remove that? Also DA, if you mean the DK ability, isn’t a passive? It’s a small increase with charges and a CD that has an effect preventing speed loss, but passives are always in effect, not a used ability.

Warriors will complain even when they’re S tier.

Wait. Real?!

Avatar is on a 1.5m CD, sure breaks roots and slows but wont make us immune. We can be slowed/rooted right after using it. Besides, holding our burst CD to save it to break minor CC is crazy.

About DA, passively DK can’t be slowed bellow 70% because of it, and while active, can’t be slowed bellow 100%. We need something akin to the 70% slow passive.

Edit: Also it wasn’t as bad for Fury in the first weeks because we were using Odyn’s Fury with Avatar proc, that would break roots and slows. A root break on 45 CD while not great, was better than nothing.

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/10 char

Thank you for your service :saluting_face:

Private Fartypants on duty

You’re probably not going to get this without also getting HL or Charge nerfed you realize right? DKs are slow af without the movement abilities you have, and Death Grip is easier to beat than Charge with a longer CD and without the added root to guarantee you don’t just get slowed and kited again… They’re not gonna break warrior because someone is effectively countering you lol.

3 grips, 2 charges of death charger, 90% aoe slow, 70% spamable slow, multiple ranged abilities.
Keep coping.

Keep crying lmfao