I’m surprised that there are little-to-no topics on this, but is it a bug when a warrior uses shield wall then swaps to a 2h? If I remember from original Wrath, they couldn’t do that.
I wonder if they figured that since there was some time in OG Wrath when Bladestorm wasn’t disarmable, they’d just leave this as is.
It’s plain unfair and should be hotfixed immediately. I’m pretty sure you can’t swap to a 2h and have shield wall without a macro but with the equipment set macro you can.
This is last patch balancing.
Yeah warr and paladin are broken and so buggy. They seem to not care at all about the mechanics working like they did in og wrath. Freedom being usable in sap is enraging
freedom while sapped has always worked i think. also hunter traps arming time and flare/AMZ/desecration range is way too far when attempting to step out of it.
No it’s a bug with freedom. And yeah the aoe effects are bugged in terms of radius or something. really tilting as a stealth class to play around
very wrong you are. https://youtu.be/V5NZg0sAl1A?t=309
A lot of paladin abilities are still usable while under certain types of CC, if I’m not mistaken, just to add.