Warrior,rogue and warlock LF Guild on PVP server

prefer one not with streamers.


Message me on Discord RavenWebb#9612

Hey we are a semi hardcore guild looking for all of those classes. We will be rolling on a pvp server.

Here’s our info let me know.

sounds good. i will talk to the squad.


Chec us out and hit me up on discord if you’re interested.


NA-PvP Server | Alliance | Casually-Hardcore | EPGP Loot System | Thursday & Sunday Main Raid | Saturday Flexible Raid

“Alright adventurers, the time for greatness is quickly approaching! Join with us to protect Azeroth. Grab your sword and fight the Horde!”

We are an Alliance (NA) Guild that will be formed on a PvP realm at launch. We are a group of real-life friends and coworkers looking to build a fun and productive group of people that want to enjoy everything Classic WoW has to offer - from raiding to world PvP and battlegrounds. We have experienced raiders from every expansion to noobies to Classic WoW. We plan on low pressure leveling - I mean lets stop and smell the roses, right? Although, I know there will be a few of us that will waste no time getting to level 60, we will not expect that from everyone. Once level 60, we will have our focus on farming Pre-BIS gear, maxing our professions, ranking up from honor farming, and helping guildies to reach level 60. Our goal is to progress through all raid and PvP content (BG premades).

Main Raid Times
→ 7pm to 11pm (PST/PDT)
→ 8pm to 12am (MST/MDT)
→ 9pm to 1am (CST/CDT)
→ 10pm to 2am (EST/EDT)

→ 6pm to 10pm (PST/PDT)
→ 7pm to 11pm (MST/MDT)
→ 8pm to 12am (CST/CDT)
→ 9pm to 1am (EST/EDT)

Flexible Raid Times
→ 8pm to 12am (PST/PDT)
→ 9pm to 1am (MST/MDT)
→ 10pm to 2am (CST/CDT)
→ 11pm to 3am (EST/EDT)

Flexible Raid is where we can have some fun and raid World Dragons, 20 mans, character alt runs or whatever - unless more time is needed for raid progression on Saturday.

Loot System

Contact Us
If this sounds like a group you could have some laughs with while slaughtering world dragons, raid bosses, and flight masters, apply or contact us with any questions.

If you’re laid back and cool, you can check us out too :slight_smile:

if you 3 are still looking for a guild, hit me up on discord @ Dakota#2147 , thanks and look forward to hearing from ya

we are. prefereably one not on asmond’s server lmao. we like him, but dont need to know what he had for breakfast.

HARDCORE RAIDING/PVP/LEVELING GUILD - Do You Want To Push Content? PvP Rank 10-14? Contending For World Bosses? Clearing Raids Quickly And Smoothly? Dungeon Cleave Pleveling? Join <R A W> Today! Tu-Th 9PM-11EST Raid Times - PST ME**
Message me on discord - Desk#2934

We are rolling on a server with no streamers

We do efficient PVE for the gear to dominate PVP. You are free to be as casual or hardcore as you like. We have all kinds of players. Give us a look. You can contact me at JohnnyChainsaws#9034 on Discord.

We havent picked a server yet because nobody knows where the streamers are going. We need to know that first, so we can avoid that cancer.