Warrior PvP

What is good in PVP right now. I am struggling with slayer arms and fury. It may be to not having all the honor gear yet but my survivability is not good. Range classes kill me too fast to be able to do anything and i can’t do the same amount of burst to them. I seem to do much better agaisnt other melee. Any info would be well appreciated.

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Mages are warriors counter so thats always not fun, a good mage will kite for days. Warlocks are very tanky so with full gonor gear ur not gonna do much on them.

This is going to be a caster meta for pvp so it wont be as easy as before. Get gear and use every movement and remove fear u got this. Im fully in honor gear and i aint doing bad in bgs


slayer fury is prob one of the strongest pvp specs in the game right now. As always warriors are not 1v1 specs and normally are best with a healer. So fight in team fights dont fight 1v1s.

Frost mages are strong/ stier as well but apart from that fury is prob one of the best stier melee atm. Most of the multi glad streamers have put fury in s tier.

Against range targets you just need to time spell reflects correctly, so you can spell reflect hunter traps, spell reflect glacial spike, using bladestorm to get out of slow effects\novas, using charge to get out of CC.

Make sure you have FULL Versitality pvp bg gear on top of that. Remember to use your range CC like fear\stun when you see them bursting from range. Also arms is terrible.


Make sure you’re not wasting your stances.

Example, when getting kited by a frost mage, make sure to be in defensive stance unless you are going to burst or will have uptime. There is no point to be in zerker stance if you’re just getting hit with no uptime. Then when it is time to burst switch.

Don’t waste stuns opportunities. You want to maximize the opportunities it will give. (Example, Don’t expect to use all your burst on a diminishing return stun).

Line of sight is your friend.

If you can make it to ranged without using charge or herioc leap, then don’t waste it.

Also, don’t forget those hamstrings.

What pvp talents do you use? For bgs specifically one of the ones I like is to have double herioc leap. It allows you to herioc a 2nd time within 3 seconds. For bgs this is really fun for line of sight, running flags, huge cap closing and more. (And will reduce charge cd extra if you take that talent in the slayer tree)

Having your pvp gear will certainly help.

I like running Mastery Haste gear slayer fury.

Crit haste for demolish arms or haste mastery for slayer arms.

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In PvP Mountain Thane Protection feels pretty solid right now and out-performs my Bear in both survivability and killing power, if the need arises.


Yea been having a blast. Best Prot War has been since maybe WoD/Legion. Really great tool kit. The return of MoP Second wind and WotLK Imp D stance - fight through the flames.

I have 13.5 mil HP buffed in BGs so Ignore pain can stack up too almost 4 million and with improved Demo shout too and synergy of everything. It feels great.

Can also chunk people and they don’t expect it. Was in some WPvP with a Mage so debuffed him with Demo and Avatar out of the roots into a 1.2 million Shield charge and got him.

Also as Prot run Sudden Death I’ve had BGs where it’s my top damage and is over 1 million damage crits.

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Wowhead still has this as 50% effective in pvp, but my auto attack on a pvp dummy shows that it was unnerfed. Were there any notes on this? I was a BDK all through DF.

Yea I noticed that as well to try and figure out what is nerfed in PvP and either the PvP dummy isn’t accurate to test anymore bugged or they did unerf it. Also when you attack the PvP dummy it should show new values in the tool tip.

I feel like it’s unerfed and either silent or somewhere in the notes that are always hard to sift through. There are tons of TWW beta notes changes though. I also didn’t play DF but came back to play Prot because of the changes.

It’s possible with the Hero talents it got unerfed since the Hero talent does buff it. The 50% did apply to defense and offense correct?

One of the reasons I hate PvP aura’s is it’s impossible to keep track of and even Blizz I think forgets what they nerf.

The pvp dummy is still accurate for things like the Mortal Wounds effect on Ravager. It drops from a 50% healing debuff to 25%.

As far as I remember, the nerf was only to the damage bonus and not the reduction aspect. I’m spec’d out of it right now as I’m experimenting with the utility of Ravager with its snare and emergency rage generation, for the purpose of BGB’s.

Drustvar is supposedly accurate, but Booming Voice is oddly absent despite Fueled by Violence being in there. The webside does say that the damage reduction of Demo Shout is at 50%, and unfortunately there aren’t any PvP dummies that strike you to verify. I’ll see if I can get up an auto attack duel to verify.

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Hmm ok thought at one point both were hit because of the short CD.

With the Hero talent making it 30% damage reduction and Morale killer making it affect everyone. I think this is one of the most powerful CD’s at a base fight. You can just reduce everyone’s damage to your team by 30%.

Then with Thunderlord since we are mountain thane the CD gets cut down pretty quickly in team fights where you can just use Demo again. So it has a high uptime and with Booming voice that just leads to a lot of extra rage and damage.

I do feel this helps massively in WPvP at crate fights if the other team just does 30% less damage they are at a pretty big disadvantage. I think this goes well with Prot’s theme to shield their teamates from harm. Also got my eye on the Shield emelishment since it can give close teamates versa.

Whatever it was in the past, I just tested it and it appears to be a 30% reduction. My opponent’s 50kish auto attacks were cut down to 30kish when using Demo Shout. I made sure my back was to them so no blocks were happening.

Yeah I am still spec’d into it minus Booming Voice. I’ll see if Ravager pays off in BGB’s. I am already a bit disappointed because I thought the rage gains were based on number of targets hit, but the tooltip clearly states “Every time it does damage”, which is every 2 seconds. I suppose that would be OP though, considering the amount of Ignore Pain you could spam to stay alive in crowded setting.

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Yea I just feel like the synergy is very good and honestly you probably have more rage generation. Instant 30 rage to dump with all the other positives then with everyone having pets the CD is cut down so fast with the 4.5 sec reduction every Tclap. That’s just so much uptime on Demo for reduction and damage. Then extra rage.

I don’t even take rage generator’s like Bloodsurge. I feel like my rage is good enough from my rotation, Demo and Shield charge.

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abomb - do you only play warrior tank pvp or you play other tank pvp as well? if so, how do are blood dks fairing?

Not Abom, but I play 4 pvp tanks, one of them being Blood. It’s totally solid, but a few drawbacks plus Prot War being fun as sh*t makes me relegate it to alt status.

First of all it feels boring to me in BGB’s, which is now my primary mode of play. It’s as hard to kill as ever, slightly more so as San’layn, but Death Grip manipulation aside it lacks utility.

Secondly, again with BGB, they suffer on flag carry maps to a certain degree. They make very poor runners, but excel at keeping the EFC from going anywhere. Good luck convincing your team that doing so should be your role for the match, though.

So, im totally a noob war, always tried some arenas with not much success so i stick with bgs. Played arms as a main and only spec since i came to retail in cataclysm back in the days.

This season i decided to go fury, and dang, in a morning i got 1535, i know im still bad and have lots to learn, but man, fury plays exactly like i visioned how my arms should play, big damage strikes, no rage starvation no downtime with tons of procs, less buttons(i have adhd and dislexia, so i think it helped) and NO REND.

So far, the bane of my existence are frost mages and evokers and they don’t let me climb higher, so im there losing and winning in the scrub rank, but tons of fun with fury, its sad tough, cause i love arms

I only play Prot’s. I’ve always either mained Prot War or Prot Pal. Since BFA Prot Pal is in shambles they got gutted pretty hard. Thankfully Prot War is back.

I’ll defer to Graventhal. They seem like they are in a decent spot but have their weaknesses and at times that can feel pretty bad depending on the situation. As he mentioned.

Got a buddy who wants to push his warrior this season in 3s. What’s the best comps for this season? Have history on a lot of specs, no dragon though. Any advice is appreciated.

Warrior fits with a lot of different comps abd even fits well with a caster for ur 2nd dps.

With how strong dk currently stands, tsg is a good option. Turbo is another one. Maybe ret warrior.

Once more balance comes, it will be easier to decide then. As it stands, pvp is out of balance.

prot pal is broken op, where have you been

They are F tier and the worst tank in both PvP and PvE.

Not playing them since they got gutted after BFA. They lost the main core kit that allowed them to PvP. I’ve retired my Prot Pal and it’s sad to see them fall so badly.

I hope they at least give them back CC immunity in steed again or Holy shield reflect on dots. Something. WoG was changed and gutted. It’s bad.