Just curious as to why Warriors are so underpowered in PvP? If a warrior beat you, it’s because they had good RNG. Pretty much nothing else.
Just curious as to why Warriors are so underpowered in PvP? If a warrior beat you, it’s because they had good RNG. Pretty much nothing else.
Good question, buff warriors!!!
boomkin dot tics are basically doing mortal strike damage
Zirene (a dev) said theyre aware Arms damage is substantially lower than the next worst class/spec in the game, that it would take substantial buffs to make them viable (WCL showed it would take a flat 70% boost to all Arms dmg to catch up to ret, a class with bubbles, cleanses, freedoms, heals, etc), and that they have no intentional of actually doing it. The spec is not supported in SoD. They split their time and by making hunters have like 5 ways to play, rogues having S tier in PVP and PVE 3 talent trees + a tank (so like 7 ways to play) healer mages, tank locks, etc they had to drop something and they chose a warrior talent tree to drop so warrior has 2 ways to play. Fury or prot. Fury is terrible outside of raid though and mid-ish in raid. Top half if the fight is short and you have full deathwish uptime, and bottom half if the fight is longer and you dont (at the 90th percentile).
Season of Dont play warrior.
I don’t know, last night I got 850 coins in Blood Moon in a last second group with no discord that had 3 warriors, a rogue, and a warlock with no healer.
Afterwards I went down to Silithus for some World PvP action to test out the R14 2H Sword. Teamed up with a mage(shout out to Blackice!) and got 90k honor in about an hour ganking Alliance on the road between CH and AQ, often in groups of 3-4. Some of those fully T2 PvE geared clothies I just completely melted(you know, the one people still crying about burst damage in PvP on the forums). Alliance must’ve been malding in general chat because we eventually got zerged by like 15 of them.
Point is warriors are no longer the total PvP pushovers they were in Phases 1-4 provided you are geared to the teeth and flasked(9.6K self buffed HP). Its even better if you’re utilizing LIPs and FAPs.
I still think we need armor penetration and the extra damage taken in Berserker Stance be changed to 0% otherwise I don’t see myself ever running Endless Rage over Taste for Blood again(tried that in AB the other day and oof).
warriors are getting good now, with pocket healer , good luck,
not as bad as 1 shaman tho
10-12k hp doesn’t matter it gets burned through by magic, you can tank emperor but not a paladin
Why would anyone play warrior when pallies exist? Honestly just remove them from the game at this point.
My boy Kefta deserves buffs.
He slaps now, I want to see what he’d do if on par with other classes.
You forgot to say shamans having S tier pve and S tier PvP specs
Much love, respect
Nah, Shadowpriest here … So I see you off in the distance and you approach because I would never lol. I cast casting my dots on you and run around. You charge and hit me a single time for 40% of my hitpoints. I cast fear and you flee away. You pop rage and come at me again bruh. All my dots are up ticking away and you at about 92% health. I start my hard cast spells and you inturrupt me so I cast dispersion ( If I have it because well void plague ) I roam around you because I can’t do anything else so you just sit there for 10 seconds. I pop out and bubble myself and hit you with SWD that doesn’t crit for 697 damage. You hit me again and my bubble goes away and now I am at 18% health. You then execute me and teabag my corpse.
Warriors are decent now. gg
I agree we need Armor penetration.
And I agree the extra 10% damage taken while in berserker stance is brutal and need to be looked at. Or atleast give more than just 3% crit in return. Maybe 5% crit and Armor penetration!
I haven’t tried taste for blood for a while now but it felt really bad to constantly waste a GCD on rend. Especially when it gets dodged/parried. I feel like I must be missing something though since you and so many warriors prefer it.
Haha ya warriors beat shadow priests no problem.
100% True.
The Endless Rage/Berserker Stance playstyle is more fun to play, but I do think Taste for Blood is undoubtedly better in 1v1’s(which I’m a big fan of personally), especially against anyone with high avoidance/mitigation like Hunters, Shamans, Paladins, Druids jumping into Bear, Glad/Prot Warriors, and Warlocks. In organized group PvP I think Endless Rage/Berserker Stance is just fine(maybe even better in some cases) since your most valuable asset is easily the Mortal Strike debuff while the Hunters and Boomies are doing most of the damage. The initial GCD on Rend does suck and feels really clunky, but once its up it’s quite nice and I’m pumping on almost every GCD whereas with Endless Rage there is some downtime.
I don’t think Taste for Blood was necessarily intended for PvP since Berserker Rage and Pummel both require Berserker Stance, but since Mortal Strike never got a meaningful damage buff nor did Warriors get any kind of armor penetration like Rogues did, I think a good amount of warriors are willing to take it for the extra damage while also taking less in Battle Stance.
Both have their advantages and disadvantages. With Taste for Blood you need to stance dance to pummel and you’re more vulnerable to fears(especially if you’re not Undead), but you also do more damage and take less. I think it ultimately comes down to preference.