Warrior or Shammy Looking for 1 night raiding guild

Returning from a small break and looking for a raiding guild. Im torn between a Ele/Resto (still learning ele) shammy or a Arms/prot warrior (tanking keys). I am NOT looking for a carry just a place that wont kick/bench if it takes me time to get up to speed.

I am Alliance ATM but server/faction doesnt matter as I would xfer for the right group.
Being a newer dad I don’t have all the time I used too but still looking to clear content and smash keys. Raid day/time doesn’t really matter BUT I am looking for a 1 day a week raid team. Im EST so cant be raiding past midnight. I could maybe do 2 days but might miss a few raids due to IRL.

I know this sounds like a loooooong shot but just looking for a new long term home.

Hope to hear back soon!!!

Balanced is looking to fill spots in our raid team. We are in need of most all classes. We raid 2 nights per week and are accomplished Casuals raiders. We are right now 7/9 heroic 9/9 n. We do M+ plus and still run normal for fun runs. We raid 9EST and it last 2 hrs. Raid days are Wednesday and Thursday. We do understand RL comes first. We are on Area 52 server. We do ask for discord as this is the simplest way to communicate on raid nights.
By no means are we elitist, no one in guild acts that way. Server transfers cost money we will have another raid on Wednesday you can jump in prior to see. Feel free to message me, I will try and respond when I am able.

whats the best way to contact you? Im thinking of going Priest insread (holy/shadow) if you have room for heals

you can apply in game with the guild finder and an officer will invite you then

Hi, Melrimm. I’m the GM of <Murloc with a Glock> (9/9H). I saw you had expressed interest in our guild but I think when I responded it might not have notified you lol. Sorry, somewhat new to the forum :stuck_out_tongue:

We have a 1-night group that would be perfect for you on Sundays from 8-10 EST, as well as a 2-night Fri/Sat group if your schedule ever opens up. You can respond here or add me on discord if you’re interested, we’d be happy to hear from you!

You can reach me for any questions or to apply here:

Bnet: Astro#18157

Discord: mwgastro

And you can read our full posting here: