Warrior or Shaman for Earthen?

So, prepping for when I unlock Earthen. Should I go Mountain Thane Warrior or Stormbringer Shaman?

Shaman is just a wannabe fury warrior so the choice is easy.

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I love my Earthen Paladin. But of the two, I would prolly go Shammy. You still get a shield and ELE is fun.

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Enchancement shaman has changed a lot for the better this xpac. As for warrior, its very similar to what its been for many years. Not much has changed.

the warrior pick has no racial that would work well

Titan-Wrought Frame

only add to the base total

I mean ultimately racials only provide a very small benefit with only notable outliners like Shadowmeld or Stoneform. In short it’s easier to ignore they exist unless your a dwarf or Night Elf.