Do you enjoy tanking on any level?
Try both via 110 trial char and see which one clicks with you.
Paladin. They can do most things a warrior can do and more, plus they look better doing it.
Both. They’re both fun and amazing.
Rogue. They strike fast and play loose, and have lots of utility and access to several stuns as well as a reliable self-heal and parry button. Crowd-Control for days, and a back-door Vanish when things start to get a little hairy. One way or antoher, the fight is over quick when you play Rogue. And because of this, they’re solid solo-players as well. But they’re hella good for harrassing people in PVP. Both Bgs and WPVP.
Thanks everyone! Seems like maybe people prefer warrior more? Running in and smashing sounds great but stealth seems so attractive.
Which rotation is more engaging comparing the two?
Warmode = Rogue.
Peacemode = Warrior.
I like the idea of Fury Warrior more. I get to hold big weapons, get mad, and smash things. Fury burst can be downright scary, especially with certain trinkets.
Only problems with Fury are lack of defensive CDs and very limited utility and CC. You get the one defensive CD, Enraged Regen, and the two CCs Storm Bolt (If you talent it) and Intimidating Shout. Utility isn’t exactly Fury’s strong suit.
Rogues, on the other hand, have utility up the wazoo. Blinds, Saps, beeg stuns, able to skip mechanics due to Evasion and Cloak, can have groups flat out skip mobs, can specialize in single target DPS or AoE depending on their specs. In PvP, have plenty of ways to win the long battle by disengaging and re-engaging as they please as Fury has no built-in DoTs.
I don’t have a max level Rogue, but I know the ones I fight with are tough to kill, and most duels/fights end up being pretty close. I’d like to say a Rogue shouldn’t lose 1v1 against a Fury War, but unless I play the class myself I shouldn’t do that.
Still, I like the identity of Fury War, and the important thing is that you enjoy what you play. Base your decision on that.
Again, thanks for the thoughtful replies. I appreciate it.
I don’t know who that is nor do I give a toss about their opinion. you roll your assassination rogue and I’ll stomp you before your poisons kick in lmao.
Fury warrior - the only spec that lets you dual-wield two-handed weapons. Play style and transmogs are fun!
i dont care to argue with you im telling the op out of the 2 which one would be the best he needs for what he wants to do.
and thats fury warrior.
as a fellow Fury warrior myself with gear that isn’t that great. I think the spec is very fun and fast paced!
I have mained a rogue for 8 almost 9 years on this account. I like Assassin because that is the last resemblance of a old school rogue because of the poisons and bleeds. Every spec for rogue could use poisons now we have only 1 now. I have trouble fighting fury warriors on my rogue however it is a endurance test imo.
A fury warrior can burst somebody down pretty quick but a rogue can win because of the over time damage and all of their really good utility. I am happy that i have a rogue and warrior in my character list. Storm Bolt + Bladestorm is one of my favorite combinations for warrior:) Rogue is always sapping and blinding people while i am stealthed haha
Warrior, no contest
in a bg a rogue wotn have that time even you have to admit that.
i agree in a bg situation rogues can be very squishy. In a duel situation a good rogue can beat a fury warrior if it was 1 on 1 i would have a better opportunity to try to take a warrior down. But on my rogue i usually don’t go after warriors necessarily it isn’t because i can’t beat them.
As a rogue for a normal battleground healer is top priority. I can’t kill a healer by myself but slowing one down will turn the tide of the battle. WSG and Twin Peaks is a good example of that especially if there is only 1 healer. People complain about people farming the middle that is a legit complaint. But for me if i see a healer i will stay on top of that bastard as much as i can.
Heroic leaps into thread and lands with a thunderclap
All rogues within a 20 mile vicinity slinking away with 1000 hp all die instantly
Many more votes for the warrior. Curious to try it out!
Hey all!! Made the warrior. So far, so good. Like rushing into mobs played rogue a little. It seems more deliberate and perhaps delicate? In terms of rotation. AOE on warrior seems much more satisfying.
The stealth aspect seems great and definitely changes gameplay but am not sure I enjoy dealing with more than a couple mobs as a rogue. They wither away eventually but not as satisfying.