Warrior nerfs again for what reason?

Please look at logs blizzard the data is there, these balance changes make zero sense do you want people to stop playing this class? Early nerf was fine but this anniversary one is just clueless no? Please have whoever is currently balancing warrior be assigned to balance mage lock enhance frost dk and ret paladin🙏🏽


Because they hate Warrior DPS for some reason. That’s really the only logical answer. DH and Warlock can be good for entire expansions in a row but Warrior was good for 1 week and gets hit with extreme nerfs and now we’re below average for both specs in both Raid and M+ and we’re getting nerfed again.


Because we bring too much utility


Yes. And that will keep happening until the numbers of Warriors actually drop. It’s pretty, PRETTY, clear that Blizzard doesn’t like Warriors, specially Fury. I can’t remember a single season that Warrior (any spec) remained S tier for the whole season. Every time they shine in a certain way, they’re immediatly gutted.

Tank Warr in S1 DF didn’t last more than 2 weeks. I don’t think Arms were ever above average and now Fury gutted 2 times before season starts and now AFTER that too. Everytime one of them is doing well in PvP they get heavily nerfed too (tho i don’t play it much, everything I heard was from videos like Bhajeera).

How many times other classes got reworked and became a lot better and OP, while Warriors have stupid limitations and huge cons overall since ever? They literally reworked each Mage spec consecutively each xpac while Warriors havent got ANYTHING at all since Legion.

MM hunter is doing insanely well rn and they’re getting buffs, BM is gettin their whole Hero Talent tree reworked (less than a month of xpac), all Shammy’s specs are OP, Ret Paladin got reworks and huge buffs in their talent tree and insane buffs overall and are now prob stronger than any other melee in the game in M+ with also an insane amount of utility.

Played Warr for years (since BfA S1) and every time I pushed myself over and over again wishing for things to get better but always behind most classes and last DF season (4) I gave up entirely. I leveled a BM hunter and a SPriest and less than a week I was doing a lot better in dungeons and raids than I was with Warr with legendary, 4set, BiS trinks and rings. I’m maining a Aff lock now and I’m a lot less stressed overall, my advice is: unless you REALLY like Warrior gameplay and/or you don’t really push any content, make your Warrior an alt and be happy with it. Use other classes for progression: Mage, Paladin and Warlock will ALWAYS be meta in someway anyway.


Rally, Battleshout, and Shockwave is all the utility we have. Most classes outshine us here easily.


I think he was being sarcastic


Every time blizzard has added a tax then removed it, Warriors conveniently get forgotten on the removal phase. GCD changes left Sweeping strikes and rallying cry on the GCD. AOE cap change didn’t get reverted for fury’s main source of AOE and is even getting rolled back on with warbringer, odyn’s fury and dragon’s roar for some ungodly reason. All of this only happened because the morons at blizzard use warcraftlog’s statistics as a balancing metric. Never mind that bladestorming adds on 4 of the 5 bosses that have adds doesn’t even begin to matter to the overall outcome of the fight, it boosted us enough on the charts to warrant some of the most idiotic nerfs to date.

Fury’s main strength in the raid that allowed us to push so far ahead on WCL was that our burst aoe is very very frontloaded and when it comes to adds such as Rasha’an’s spiderlings or silken court’s scarabs, warriors can effectively delete them before any other class’s damage starts rolling. The issue though is that doing damage to those specific NPCs in either of those fights contribute basically zero percent to the overall success chance of a group against those bosses. So while we contributed nothing, we got nerfed where it really counts, our ST and sustained AOE while Blizzard really had their targets set on what ultimate doesn’t even begin to matter, burst AOE. Doing mythic plus as fury this really shows, any pull where we don’t have our 1.5 mins up it feels like we are competing with the tanks for damage. The obvious solution would be to let the OF and DR nerfs go through but buff and uncap improved whirlwind but that will literally never happen because Ret needs their second overhaul in 2 expansions before even a single thing good happens to this class.

This is very reminiscent of the way the spec/class was treated in sepulcher of the first ones. A week one nerf that goes way beyond the pale, additional nerfs down the line for literally no reason other than to kick us while we are down all while ignoring the class’s shortcomings. Then following all of that they allowed S3 and S4 to be completely dominated by destruction warlocks and survival hunters that were way more out of tune than anything we’ve seen from warriors in the past month. They always have a target on this class’s head while ignoring certain other classes when they’re completely broken.


Because the top 50 warriors in the world have groups built for them and gear funneled to them in split groups while them and their guilds all exploit their way to a RWF win, utilize obscure items to pump big numbers and then the rest of us receive a 10-30% nerf even though the rest of the player base isn’t good enough to even get close to that level of play.


he was being sarcastic lol, also rally is a husk of its former self and doesn’t even feel like utility, for m+ anyway

I don’t get it, either keep our damage tuned a little higher to make up for us bringing nothing to a group other than zug zug or just give us something. Almost every class in the game brings more than us.

It sucks getting nerfed when a ton of our damage on logs is add pad because this raid has a bunch of fights that are literally perfect for the kit. Not sure why they have so much issue with warrior when frost dk is also doing pretty much the same.


Must say, its pretty hard to keeping play as warrior if everytime you got a lot of nerfs and always need to do 120% more to be close to top classes that use 2 fingers to be S tier.

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Must say, its pretty hard to keeping play as warrior if everytime you got a lot of nerfs and always need to do 120% more to be close to top classes that use 2 fingers to be S tier.


Fury warriors are fine. They got burst and aoe damage. All 3 rogue specs are on the bottom. At least arms is top 10.

Early nerf wasn’t even fine, look where fury is at now with the logs out. We were always going to fall backwards. Fury should have never been nerfed to begin with.