I’m ok with fury doing high sustained.
Literally nobody runs spear anymore, or if they do I just deep breath out of it LMAO
I’m ok with fury doing high sustained.
Literally nobody runs spear anymore, or if they do I just deep breath out of it LMAO
Yeah id rather do decent sustained dps than cheese someone with crits any day of the week honestly. Its a shame I don’t like the aesthetic of fury.
yeah just like nobody traps the dps unless you’re doing a niche diamond trap dps → train healer that hasn’t been prominent since bfa dh 2s
yeah never mind giving up momentum by using your biggest win condition defensively because warrior has twice as much mobility as they should
Idk man unless I’m playing MM and dropping utility to kite better warrior has the definitive advantage there
Warriors saying stuff like this where if you don’t get their stormbolt with scatter they’ll just bolt you and connect anyway and then still have a charge or leap for your disengage, bloodrage for every steel trap and you either get your healer to dispel entrapment or just yolo avatar for it when you actually want to send a go
How are these mobility cds at I missing something
Also hpalla doesn’t have sov
And ret shouldn’t rlly be playing searing glare
God I miss her
Warlock btw
They’re not, I wasn’t listing exclusively mobility CDs even though it seems like I should have in hindsight. What I was trying to do was highlight the fact that every class in the game has more “stuff” of varying value compared to last expansion, and that I think looking at mobility in a vacuum is a fruitless pursuit. I am also aware that hpal doesn’t have SoV, I play both hpal and ret
To anyone else, I apologize if I sounded short, that’s my bad. I still maintain my opinions, however, as you will yours
At the end of the day blizzard is also going to do whatever they want so it ultimately isn’t that deep
It’s not rlly
Shoulda prolly differentiated that
Well, knockbacks are cc but are, among other things, either countered by or used to counter mobility. If you (figurative you) pretend that doesn’t exist while looking at mobility, then I think that will lead to a very imbalanced discussion.
I also personally think that looking at available defensives AND mobility coughlockscough is important because I think it also affects whether or not it’s overkill. Feral druids are super mobile but also extremely squishy, and I feel like rogue is definitely toeing the line with cloak bubble alongside everything else they have
Maybe so. Seems like a minor point to me, since I was already listing a mix of spec-specific and class-wide things, all of which are context-sensitive anyway
Wrong, kinda redundant if you referring to 2s. Ele can kite better imo.
I’m talking in general.
I barely do Arenas anymore, trying to find an RBG team, more my speed
Lock having one of the most disgusting kits in the game is a gross outlier.
Ferals rlly not that squishy
They can legit spam cyclone dr and do the most unreal dmg for no reas
Its the damage or stacks of MS being too high that is the problem, they can keep up with almost all classes damage with very little uptime.
Hunters have a lot of tools to CC the warrior with steel trap, diamond ice, intimidation and concussive shot to slow warriors down. I have had success going healer and CCing the warrior for most of the game. Hope that helps.
Fair enough. I have had a lot of difficulty keeping them up, but that may just be a shuffle moment. I apologize for that exaggeration
imagine if a ranged class had the mobility of the bread and butter mobility melee spec. No thanks
bad ferals that dont manage their CDs and swap forms, escape, and cc properly are squishy, but played correctly Feral has pretty solid defensive capabilities. Same or better than boomkin (top op spec)
What specs are supposed to be more mobile than warrior?
MM hunter needs to be looked at it terms of mobility roots and snares. Absolutely impossible to stick on one as warrior. Every game is 10min+ waiting on damp
Roots are the key. Fury can break a root once every 20 and arms once every bladestorm, which is variable but still long enough cooldown. Scatter into steel trap with either on cooldown is an uncomfortably long time out for both. You have pet freedom(24 seconds if bm), disengage/postehaste (20 seconds) scatter steel (25-30 seconds depending on talents), and tar trap root (same as steel).
Your objective is to make the warrior use its root break before you have to scatter trap if it wants to kill you. It can charge twice for every one of your disengages, but you can root and freedom more than it can get out of roots, and it can’t charge in root, and it can’t charge you if you’re more than 25 yards away. If it’s two melee committed to you, your objective is moving them into the most dangerous spots possible using your roots and freedoms.
All of this applies twice as hard to demon hunters, because they do not have root breaks at all. Ferals, windwalkers, and survival hunters are really the only melee that you do not win the mobility battle against. Rogues are a completely different animal where sometimes you have no chance and situationally you can also screw them over really hard with a short cd root, flare, and hunters mark.
There’s also Avatar.
Also Avatar (90) and Odyn’s (45) although most people have shifted over to Onslaught. It also kind of stings to have to use either of these out of range of a target.