I get asked about my macros quite a bit, so here ya go. all in the description of this video.
Pretty good video. Good explanations of queueing hs/cleave. I’m sure a lot of warriors will benefit from this. Thanks for posting
/cast charge
only macro needed
thanks for the feedback ruski!
I thought this was an excellent video and thank you for sharing.
Few things that stood out:
First, you as a person/presenter look great. You come across as very approachable, the background area of your stream ( I don’t know if you stream, but I assume most folks with a webcam do) is extremely clean compared to most streamers I see.
Second, you seem like a natural mentor. Whenever I see guide videos, folks just show their macros or post them in the description. While that’s great for those macros, it never allows the viewer to understand how the macros are made. You going through and making the macro along with the viewer was great!
I wish you the best of luck on whatever your goals are with YouTube/streaming, I think you have a winning formula!
Thank you Luuni! I am actually a mentor in the Tech space so I’m pretty used to doing stuff like this. I had alotta fun making videos about dual wield arms in the beginning of TBC, but with more responsibilities at work and my third baby on the way I had to pull back. Now that everything has settled down, I’m back to start pumping out content for my all time favorite expansion in an attempt to grow the channel and continue the community I started back in p1/p2 TBC.
I really appreciate the kind words!
Also thank you for the kind words about my home! I love that bar behind me even if I don’t drink very often, lol.
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