Hello, DPS warrior looking for raid group. I have achieved aotc for most content except shadowlands. I did not enjoy the expansion so I quit playing. Here are my current logs from just pugging, Kiprage-Zul’jin
Hey there
Imperfect-Mal’ganis is a brand new guild formed by CE players coming back together, is now looking for players to fill out our core roster! We raid Tuesday & Wednesday 9pm - 12am EST. We will NOT extend past those times. We value our time and want to make good use of the 6 hours a week of raid. All roles please apply. Please reach out to Drez#11420 (Bnet)/ Drez#3273 (Discord) with any questions or interest
My name is Zozz, GM for the horde guild Inntrovertus in Zul’jin. We’d love to get you into our raid Sunday/Monday 930PM EST. You don’t need to transfer unless you truly feel like you fit.
We’re currently 8/8 N and attempting to go into heroic once we’ve honed in our raid team. We’re a very small guild that formed with a bunch of buddy’s just tryna have a good time in WoW.
If you have any questions, or would like to chat further, shoot me a message on discord:
[H][US][Dalaran] 2-Day Mythic Team |Hellfire Club|
- T/Th (8-11 PM EST)
I would love for you to join my team!
About Us: 2/8 Mythic, 8/8 Heroic
What we offer:
Mythic + (multiple groups run +20-27 keys)
Alt raiding, transmog runs, and other guild activities
AmongUs/Streaming Parties
Guild repairs
Potentially PvP nights in the future
Battle Group(Stormstrike): Andorhal · Anetheron · Archimonde · Black Dragonflight · Dalaran · Dalvengyr · Dentarg · Duskwood
What we want:
Proactive raiders
Raiders that also run M+ regularly
Current Needs:
DPS: Mage and Warrior
Heals: None
Tanks: None
Current Wants: Players that are looking for a bench position but to still be included for CE/AotC/etc.
For more information, add the following or click the application link below:
Recruiter: Malideon#6527 -Discord
Apply: apply.wowaudit com/us/dalaran/hellfire-club/scoops-troop?preview
Hey Kiprage,
Let’s chat.
Corrupted Intent is a 21+ horde guild on the server Area 52 looking for like minded players to come join us, with an AOTC/Mythic mindset as well as being active in Mythic Plus. Current GM has 15 years of experience as a GM & Officer’s have years of leadership experience as well as AOTC & Mythic Raiding Experience as well as most of our community has AOTC/Mythic experience.
- Knowledge of class/fights and prepared for the raid
- Communication
- 80% attendance & punctuality & accountability for raids
- Progression Mindset, and a team player, includes ability to take constructive criticism
Raid Days & Times:
Fri & Sat 8-11pm EST
Healer: High Priority (Disc Priest, Resto Shaman, Evoker)
Dps: High Priority- Melee Dps
**Any and all players that feel they would be a good fit, should apply whether your role/class is listed or not **
Contact Information:
Btag: Aria#13773
Discord: xstarlite#2756
Suspended Degeneracy is a group of gamers looking for more to add to our ranks. We’re primarily focused on AOTC with some Mythic progression and M+ and without even having a fully built out roster we’re already 7/8 H and 8/8 N! Some of us in the guild already have KSM and are pushing for KSH, many others are close behind!
Joining the guild is a requirement, which means transferring to the server is a requirement.
Raid Days:
Tues/Wed 9pm-midnight EST
Active times:
Weekdays from 5 PM to 5 AM usually.
Weekends pretty much always
If you wish to just join for M+. Please let us know that immediately upon contact as that drastically changes the conversation.
What We’re Looking For: (Raid focused)
M+ focused tanks with possible DPS off specs for raid.
DPS | Priority:
Mage | High
Demon Hunter | High
Monk | High
Rogue | Medium
Shadow Priest | Medium
Death Knight | Medium
Paladin | Medium
Warrior | Medium
Balance Druid | Medium
Feral Druid | Low
Hunter | Low
Elemental Shaman | Low
Warlock | Low
Heals | Priority:
Priest | High
Shaman | High
Paladin | Medium
We are not accepting any Resto Druids or Preservation Evokers for raid at this time.
(M+ Focused):
Any | High
Any Exceptional Player | Medium
Any Exceptional Player | High
If this seems of interest to you, please contact me on Discord at Heru#9082 and we can discuss further the general rules and expectations the guild has of it’s players.
Hello there!
I thought maybe you might be a good fit for us so I wanted to drop by and tell you a bit about our little family! We are a progressively-minded AOTC Alliance guild on Stormrage, that’s currently looking for more players to add to our roster for DragonFlight. We have 2 progression teams to choose from! (Raid times for our teams are in the link I’m including)
I’m including the link to our guild information for you to check out if you find an interest to do, as we do have other things going on throughout the week and plan to be adding to that soon! We have something for everyone! If you are interested in learning more about us or have any questions please be sure to contact me! The best way to reach me is on Discord at Byndi#5161. I hope to hear back from you soon and that you have a great night!
About Us:
Under Destiny (US - Stormrage) is a semi-hard-core, cutting-edge focused guild that formed at the beginning of Shadowlands. We have substantially strengthened our raiding core with exceptional progression-minded players with the goal of getting AoTC every tier. Our core is a group of friends who have enjoyed raiding with each other for many tiers, and we’re all committed to having fun and playing to our highest potential in a respectful environment. Our current goal is AoTC with some early mythic bosses. We would love to welcome you into our community as we gear up and continue taking on the challenge of end-game content.
Current Progression:
8/8N VotI
6/8H VotI
Dragonflight Raid Schedule:
Tuesday : 8:00 P.M - 11:00 P.M EST
Thursday: 8:00 P.M - 11:00 P.M EST
Recruitment Needs:
Must be Raid Ready
Immediate Recruitment Needs:
- DPS: Any
- Healer: Disc Priest, Preseveration Evoker, Holy Pally
What we provide:
- Potions/Feasts for all our core raiders.
- Repairs during raid times.
- Very friendly and active environment/guild that talk and play games with each other not only in WoW but outside of the game as well.
What we expect:
- 100% commitment. This means making raids on time, taking responsibility for deaths or mistakes, helping others, etc.
- Be prepared with raid consumables, study up on fights, and perform to the best of your ability.
- Most importantly, BE RESPECTFUL. Raiding can be stressful, but we’re all here to enjoy and improve our raid experience.
Bnet: Ghastlee#1307 / Discord: Kngx#4435
Hi there
7/8H Raz at 36%
Tues/Wed 830-1130 eastern.
Grimfrost[A] on Emerald Dream
8/10M on Sod
5/11M on Sofo
Looking to fill last few core spots before heading into mythic. If you’d like to join a small, tight knit guild who enjoys the game as well as cursing like sailors, then I’d love to talk. We also run keys upwards of +20s
Mortiia#6352 on discI hope we can talk soon
Hello! Atrophy-Tichondrius is currently recruiting for our b-team casual raid group. We are a friendly team who don’t mind helping each other improve and practice at the game. We are a good mix of veteran and newer players. Come and have fun with us!
Raid times are:
Sunday 6pm-9pm PST (9PM-12AM EST)
Monday 7pm-9pm PST (10PM-12AM EST)
We have achieved AOTC for each tier, and plan to do so for this tier as well.
Add me on Battle.net or Discord to apply or ask questions!
BTag: Androkats#1816
Discord: Androkats#8823