Warrior LF permanent home

Hello there!

As the title suggests, I am looking for a forever home; the guild that I will be spending the rest of my time in Azeroth with. So I would love the guild to be chill and fun and not filled with jerks. I would also like that guild to be on the Area-52 or Illidan servers or any other heavily populated horde server.

While I do main tank, I can play other things. I have been wanting to dabble into being a healer for example. I do enjoy tanking keys a lot though. I am also more than happy to tank raids as well, but for raiding I am only looking for raid groups that start at 8:00pm EST or later. That is if I decide to raid at all at the moment, which remains to be seen.

If you feel that I could be a match for your guild, or you just want to chat, hit me up on discord or battle.net:
Discord: Grumpymerlin
Battle.net: Grumpymerlin#1837

Added you in btag !!

Hello There Grumpymerlin!

Are you looking to progress into mythic? If so we might be the guild for you! If tanking is your thing we can make something work too!

We are Gamer Down, a new guild formed during S3 of Dragonflight.

Our current progression is 3/8M, 3/9M, and 4/9M in the awakened raids. We are looking to add more players to our mythic roster for s4 and The War Within to push for CE. We also have a ton of m+'ers who love to push keys!

Our raid times are Tuesday/Thursday 10pm - 1am EST

Message our Raid Leader to Apply:

Discord: aartlay
Bnet: <Aartlay#1235>

Or reach out to me with any questions:

Discord: baconic
Bnet: <Baconator#11729>

You can view our full post here:[AREA 52] GAMER DOWN | Mythic Progression Guild TUES/THURS 10pm - 1am EST | LFM DPS/HEALS

Still looking, I have AOTC in all raids this expansion and I am currently leveling in Remix, so trying to find a guild that is doing remix as well.