Warrior leveling advice

I’m not saying it’s difficult, I’m saying if you really want to waste money that you could put towards something more useful, go ahead, because buying weapons and gear from the AH isn’t necessary and won’t make an enormous difference like you’re making it out to be.

And I know not everyone in this game is poor. But it’s not without reason. You think they’d have the gold that they do if they spent it on useless stuff in the AH regularly?

More useful like what?

Buying a weapon upgrade is much more useful than, for example, buying rank 2 hamstring or rank 3 rend.

Try to do dungeons a few times each just for the exp. its better to hit a quest circuit where a few of them are green (where they were yellow a level before) which you can usually do by grinding mobs or grinding dungeons (so you have dedicated heals). Make a friend who is doing the same quest circuits as you who plays a class with healing so you can play a little more aggressively. Warrior can be a bit difficult to 30, but then (if arms) you get Sweeping Strikes (“SS”). And then at 36, you get Whirlwind, which when combined with SS, can hit 2-4 mobs at once for a nice chunk of damage every 30 seconds (SS cooldown). Yes, 3 mobs will be hitting you instead of one, but you’ll also be landing a huge hit to all 3, and then can work them down relatively quick btwn cleave and follow up WW 10 sec later.

As a general rule, don’t overuse Heroic Strike unless you have a ton of rage and no other attacks to use (or cleave, really, unless you have a ton of rage and 2 mobs). Using either prevents your next autoattack (no rage gen), and then uses rage to cast the ability (so a rage loss, minus incoming rage from dmg which is almost never going to fully offset this exchange). Once you get WW, better off just build rage, WW, cast a hamstring, autoattack, WW again when off cd then to try and use Heroic Strike every time you have 12-15 rage depending on talents. (edit: Don’t over use it AFTER 30, because really before 30 you won’t have really anything else worth attacking with for dmg, or using rage on routinely)

Use Berserker Rage when you know you will be getting hit by mobs, so basically every 30 seconds during questing. If you are on a PvP Server, you may want to consider reserving usage in case you get into a skirmish with a warlock/priest/other warrior using intimidating shout.

Also 40 = Mortal Strike (Or blood thirst if Fury, but not as good) so that’s another instant attack that doesn’t prevent your next autoattack.

It picks up in your 30s, but its never a cake walk unless the mobs you are fighting are both non-elite and same level / lower.

OH! and make sure you buy the mats for your level 30 warrior quest (WW Axe/Sword/Hammer whatever, go axe) at 30, and ask a higher level friend to help you complete it by helping you kill trolls in STV (lvl 34-39) and Cyclonian at the end (lvl 40 elite). That axe will last you a looooooong time and its amazing if you went Arms and got the 5% crit talent from axe weaponskills.

good hunting/leveling!

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Stay over leveled by 2-3 and it’ll make questing in the zone a breeze. That way, you won’t need to bandage or eat every single pull. I only got to 40 on my warrior but didn’t have issues questing at all through those levels.
I’d suggest having a friend or guildy help you get your whirlwind axe right at 30 so you’ll be set to solo or 2h tanking dungeons.

DO NOT RESPEC PROT. Your questing will be 10x slower and you will have so much harder of a time gaining threat with pugs in dungeons.

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I leveled with a green axe from 12 to 23, and then I got an Arced War Axe from SFK. I leveled to 30 with it with no problems whatsoever. I then got my Whirlwind Axe and while it was great to have, I hardly noticed a difference in how long it took me to kill mobs.

You guys are vastly exaggerating how much it matters while leveling, especially from 10-30.

And nobody is talking about learning abilities. Everyone knows not to learn abilities you don’t need. I’m talking about saving for your mount or a weapon you REALLY need for example if you DO get stuck with WW axe for too long and find yourself scrambling to replace it into your 50s. Very possible scenario as I had the WW axe until I was level 51 and I finally replaced it with Gatorbite axe. But I was at the point where greens were better than the WW axe.

While, personally I think adding “much” to that explanation is hyperbole, I can understand the encouragement.

You can definitely tank in Arms spec. Here’s a Classic Warrior Tanking Guide I put together that may be of some interest to you, as it includes some macros, etc. that might be helpful if you’re unfamiliar with them otherwise.

One of the benefits, I suppose of being able to tank is that you may be able to find dungeon groups slightly faster than as a DPS (Note: I say slightly faster, as that is my opinion, and experience so far. If you are actively putting groups together yourself, and able to make friends along the way, there doesn’t appear to be a lot of difference in time to assemble a group, regardless of your role. This may be different if you are passively leveling and asking to join groups, as you find them.)

For the most part, me too :slight_smile:

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That’s great, but it would have been faster an easier with a decent weapon.

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Highly doubtful. Especially when I hit 40 with enough gold to buy my mount, making 40-60 much faster and easier.

What if I told you that you will still have enough gold to buy a mount, even if you spend 1-2g every 5 levels buying a weapon?

With regards to this, idk… the level 30 WW axe is OK, but it comes at a time when you’ve also got some of the fastest back-to-back dungeon runs available to you for leveling (SM - where you’ll get Ravager and be able to equip at 37, which is great for AoE with the Bladestorm procs), followed by ZF and Mara (where the Gatorbite Axe drops)).

Not saying that the WW axe isn’t great, but if it’s not easy to get the mats or someone to help you with it, it’s not absolutely necessary.

With twinks being a thing, find me a reasonably priced rare weapon between 15-29 that is actually decent for a warrior. You’re gonna drop about 20g (at least) between level 16-30 buying rare weapons and the mats for your WW axe. That’s alot of gold for someone leveling up.

Corpsemaker :smiley:

Corpsemaker is great, but they’re saying you should buy rare weapons every 3-5 levels out of the AH.

And Corpsemaker is useful for 1 level before it gets replaced (unless you don’t get your WW weapon at 30)

Yes, but they are also likely suggesting that you fund that with your level 60 mage or hunter, or other decent farmer, aren’t they?

Right. I sure didn’t.

That’s the thing. They’re assuming the person has a high level main. If that’s the case, go nuts buying whatever you want.

But if you’re fresh and starting with a warrior, buying gear and weapons is totally unnecessary and that gold you save may be better spent elsewhere.

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Any rare weapon is decent for a warrior, that’s the point. Twinks are only interested in slow weapons. A weapon like Gargoyle’s Bite is like 80 silver on the AH and is a perfectly good weapon for a leveling warrior.

You are really making a troll name for yourself.

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Lol I don’t know what server you’re on, but I’ve yet to see a rare weapon under 2 or 3g from lvls 15-29.

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Well, you just don’t check the AH very often then. I’m looking at my AH right now and there’s “Bloodpike” for sale for 78s silver bid, 1g 12s buyout. 3 of them in fact.

There’s also “Pysan’s Old Greatsword” for 2g which is a great leveling weapon because the 13 spirit on it will give great HP regeneration at that level.