Warrior leveling advice

So i am currently leveling as arms (just hit 10) and i find i am struggling on yellow quest. Should i over level my self or go prot? Its just alot of kill one, die, and repeat. Also can i tank while speced into the arms tree?

the first 30 levels are hell, the second 30 levels are… not amazing. Stay arms, if you plan on tanking switch around 50 to prot or fury/prot (whatever you desire) and start tanking dungeons as your primary means for xp. this is what I did. it took awhile though, I just hit 60 3-4 days ago. But I didn’t mind it. So ya, 1-50 I quested almost exclusively solo on green level quests, yellows are almost always too difficult.

everything gets much easier when you get sweeping strikes and whirlwind. before 30 ish when you can spec into that killing more than 1 npc at a time is close to impossible.

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Ty for the advice!

Stay arms or even fury, speccing prot is going to make things slow. My best advice would be get used to tanking dungeons. It’s fast (as far as warrior leveling goes) and you will make friends or find a guild along the way.


Oddly, i love pugs and tanking dungeons


Then you’re good to go. After i could do dungeons i maybe did 3 or 4 levels from questing and the rest of the way to 60 was dungeons. As an added bonus, because you do so many runs, you will have solid gear the whole way to 60.

Without a gear advantage fighting over level mobs on warriors is tough. Its normally recommended to just rotate questing areas and run all the green quest you can as you will have the lowest amount of downtime and the lowest chance of dying doing those.

Like Adriel said, stay arms or fury while leveling. You will still be able to tank any dungeon without issue and it will make leveling much smoother.

Reroll as a Hunter, Warlock, Rogue, Priest, Shamally or Druid.

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.-. My guy, how you going to bust into the thread with nonsense when everyone is giving constructive and helpful feedback.


green quests are your bread and butter. stay with mobs your level and best to have them a few levers lower. Hit dungeons for you gear and make sure you stay up to date with gear (try not to buy any, mount is coming soon). It makes a BIG difference for us, BIG. Im leveling through green quests and only group up for elite quests. No time to level through dungeons but that seems to be a good way to go about it. Arms is the way to do it though, at these lower levels we just done have the hit to go fury and miss too damn much. Prot…just no…there is absolutely no need, none. You’re just making your life way more difficult than it needs to be. decide at 60 whether you want to tank, dps or pvp. Choose your spec after you decide. way easier to tank lower levels with a big axe/weapon do to rage issues, but carry a board and sword for bosses or rather large packs/ oh sh%t moments. Later in the late levels it might just be better to tank with sword and board exclusively depending on your gear/spec and your healers gear/spec.


Do quests with green mobs. If you run out of quests like that, just grind green mobs (caster type mobs are really easy to kill).

Spend your gold on keeping your weapon updated. Spending like 1g on a good weapon like Gargoyles Bite early on will make a huge difference. No need to spend crazy amounts of gold, just check the AH for 2h weapons that are cheap. There are plenty. Weapon Speed doesn’t really matter until you hit 40, and the faster swing speed weapons are usually much cheaper.

most classes tend to struggle with quests above their level in classic if for no other reason then the hit/resist penalties combined with almost never having max weapon skill while leveling.

for warriors you are gear dependant… every weapon upgrade you get things get easy for 5 levels or less then you start to drop off untill your next weapon upgrade.

if you want to grind multiple mobs and quests that are higher level hunter, warlock and druid I suppose prot paladins too

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Im leveling ARMS on my warrior. Yellow quests are cake for me. I am however sword and board with uncommon shield, and back piece with crafted uncommon axe and pants and some quest gear so I am sitting at like almost 40% damage mitigation.

He is lvl 15 atm and the sword and board for the additional armor helps ALOT. In most cases I can take on two mobs at once if they arent both casters/ranged.

Sunder Armor is your best spell. Never use heroic strike unless you have 100 rage to dump. No need to rush to the next zone, finish off the quest in the current zone. Always wanna be 3 levels higher when you are moving into a new zone to quest in. Get a slow 2h weapon, for WW quest you can buy 90% of the mats from AH.


How you gonna post a thread that has been posted before, has numerous online guides, YouTube videos, Podcasts, AddOns etc. addressing the issue? In the age of information and the veritable cornucopia of online resources available at one’s fingertips is someone going to ask a question about a game with over FIFTEEN YEARS OF CUMULATIVE RESOURCES TO DRAW FROM without doing a simple google search first?

Stop enabling weakness.

“You are going to struggle” - every warrior pre 30.

early game sucks as a warrior. Always has. You have no instant attacks to compensate for anything and your regular hits with lower level gear don’t generate enough rage for you to regularly use any abilities. As you get weapon upgrades you’ll feel less and less at the mercy of quests and equal level’d mobs. Its a slow process.

If you go prot you will only make it slower for yourself. Fury, while good, also can be a mistake early on since duel wielding gives you a large miss chance. Sure you can do it but I wouldn’t recommend it. Stay arms and play how you feel though would be my 2 recommendations. You can do 2h fury if you want but the damage bonuses in arms generally feel better. Keep your 1h skills up to date while you can so that you can use w/e you want to tank too and later transition to a fury build if you want.

Sorry for the wall of text.

Warrior sucks at low level, period. It gets better as you level though, but you will suffer into the 20s. After you break into the 30s it’ll start turning around.

There’s advice to level 2H fury until 40 and I ran with that initially, but at low 30s I went arms so I could have SS and it made a huge difference, then when you get WW it feels even better. If someone can help you get the WW axe at 30 from the warrior quest you’ll be a powerhouse for a good 10 levels until the axe balances out a bit.

Don’t level prot, you’ll just make it worse.

Yet you come in just telling the guy to re-roll.

You’re displaying a massive bit of it right now.

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Already have one of each

Go to the auction hall and buy a green weapon. You can get a one hand and shield if that’s cheaper and still put points into arms until you get a decent two hander. Make your professions skinning and either mining or herbalism to supplement your income so you can buy more gear.