Warrior Legion Artifact Weap

Does anyone know how to get The Dragonslayers weapon now during BFA (if there is any changes)? The only thing i saw is a wowhead comment that says exalted with Valarjar and then some reagents drops from world bosses.

good amount

You have to get a haft from the Valarjar dungeon, and then two skulls from two specific world bosses. It can be a pain to wait for the right ones to be up, but any of the items also have a chance to drop from Odyn in the Trial of Valor raid.

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so you still need to be exalted with Valarjar, right?

That seems to be the case. I recently got them on my warrior and I got her up to exalted first.

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Yes. No shortcuts.

If you DO get at least Revered with Valarjar, you might as well do Balance of Power as well.

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got it, thank you guys


… what does this have to do with anything the OP asked about? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Keep in mind those are world bosses that rotate, so you’ll have to check in every week to see which one is up. Good luck! It took me quite a while to get all the pieces. :slight_smile:

Stormheim World Quests give about 165 Rep a piece, but if you do the ENTIRE Stormheim quest line, you should be at least 6000/12000 to Revered.

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sucks i just missed the world quest rep event last week. im pepega