Warrior Hero Talents - it's time for DPS Sword and Board

Just suggesting some feedback. I would love to see a classic sword and board warrior that does DPS - a reworked gladiator spec fit into the hero talent system. I think it would look awesome and could make sense roleplay wise. We have healers that use shields, we have tanks that use shields, it’s time for the shield dps and the hero talent system could be the avenue for delivering on that.

I think the warrior hero talents sound kinda generic and not emphasising Roleplay all too much except mountain thane but that fantasy is basically dwarf exclusive. Warriors are kind of a blank slate roleplay wise so they have the most opportunity for Hero talents flavor wise. Another concept for warrior hero talents could be:

Gladiator - one handed and shield DPS - classic knight fantasy that could be linked to the Brotherhood of The Horse

Weaponmaster - gets bonuses for using different weapons (dual wielding two different times and some flavor abilities too)

Spellbreaker - warrior who have some anti magic abilities, elven spellbreakers are canon and seeing them in the lore makes me wish I could role one (also uses a polearm and shield so maybe two handed + shield spec)

All of this is me sharing feedback and ideas from after blizzcon since I’ve had time to chew on the information but if the community has any ideas on these or other possible hero specs feel free to share.


It’d be nice to see more agency. Spell kits and talents need a bigger evolution for sure.

I was surprised more of the Hero Talents didn’t have War3 flavors like you mentioned with Spellbreaker.

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What they chose at this point for our hero talents don’t evoke any class fantasy nor nostalgia for Warrior. I’d like Spellbreaker or Blademaster. Several people have voiced wanting Glad.

Never heard anyone mention anything about Mountain Thane nor Slayer. Slayer doesn’t even bring about thoughts of Warrior. Maybe Rogue or something. Mountain Thane is too Dwarf specific. And leaves most Warriors in the cold for fantasy.

Slayer brings about more Warhammer Fantasy Dwarf images than anything… Sure, Mountain Thane being the downgraded Mountain King Muradin setup since the Mountain King would be dual-wielding hammers, would expect the most iconic warriors were agile blademasters and 2h wielding juggernauts so there are plenty of class fantasies for the DPS warriors. Meanwhile, sword and board although iconic, I’m not sure how many ‘Hero’ type characters fit that bill since most of the sword-and-board heroes were flung into the Paladin boat instead.

I think the only reason why they haven’t gone with the Gladiator-stance theming was because it’d have to go with likely Arms+Prot and turning a tank spec into a Tank/DPS spec would confuse developers even further when making balance compete with fun.

Mountain Thane is currently on their chart an option for Prot and Fury. Since most people aren’t even Dwarves, let alone Dwarf Warriors, I’d rather Thane gets replaced with Glad or Spellbreaker and Slayer replaced with Blademaster.

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I’d throw in “Barbarian” in lieu of Slayer - since Slayer is the demon hunter legion hall class title, feels weird.

Yes please, I loved my Glad Warrior in WoD

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like how Crusaders in diablo 3 could wield a big shield on one hand and a two hander in the other and deal heavy DPS while also being hard to kill? If so…may be fun to see as you wouldn’t exactly need them to be light faithful to work