Warrior Helm Slot

Putting Endless Rage on the helm fixes DW problems, but kinda removes hand options for everyone else, since the only things left are either DW-focused, narrowly-conditional use, or a Rage dump that we can’t afford.

I see a 2H fury build that forgoes Taste for Blood on the helm to take Endless Rage, as well as Quick Strike, Raging Blow and Blood Surge to spam out Raging Blows and Slams. It might be reasonable, I’ll have to test it.

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Glad/Prot/DW all have options on hand…it does remove the simplest of options from 2H specs though…looks like Quick Strike (in place of Heroic Strike) is going to be the go-to rage dump now for 2H spec.

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Yeah, I see a viable Fury build around using Quick Strike to proc Raging Blow/Slam working.

With what rage though… we would be able to test that out the same if they just put SMF on the head slot instead. Now we have to. I’m pretty sure it’ll be sub optimal though.

Pay attention to this devs

I’m a PvP arms warrior. I’d prefer if they swap the runes so I can still have both and fury can get it too.

I won’t use quick strike because it does no damage. It’s a pve spell for procing wildstrikes. So that leaves me with just victory rush but that has no use in 1vs1.

If you want people to use victory rush at least let them choose between taste for blood and victory rush

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Honestly I think the best move for PvP, rather than moving endless rage back would be to turn Victory rush into Impending Victory, aka make it an on-demand 30% heal with a moderate CD that resets on killing blows.

Although missing Endless Rage would kinda hurt.

I feel like Warrior runes need way more work still, as well as possibly a major reshuffling.

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Moving Endless Rage to the helm is a really unfortunate change for arms warriors.

Singe-minded fury should have gone to the Helm Slot instead,
(it even has ‘mind’ in the name)


They should have swapped Vigilance and Focused Rage instead. 2H/Arms Warriors need endless rage. Quick Strike just isn’t good enough to be usable and 2H Warriors already struggle enough with Rage generation its gonna get worse with amount of stance dancing too.


Quick Strike is unusable for another reason too. We already have a lot of buttons to press and Quick Strike eats a global. That’s what makes HS a great rage dumper in that it doesn’t conflict with your ability use. Could make Quick Strike rune simply an upgraded version of HS that’s still on next attack but does more damage or has some other effect. I do agree though that moving SMF to head slot may have been the better choice.


100% this!!!

The recent changes just made fury warrior a global locked whack-a-mole class.

You have two separate procs to track (Blood Surge/Sudden Death) which you prio.

If they’re not up yyou then press bloodthirst.

If none of those are up, then, you need to check enrage status and press WW/RB.

If all of those are down, you press hamstring. All while holding down heroic strike.

It’s not really that fun TBH.

Oh, and they made these changes and killed arms in the process.


This is such a better, more elegant solution.

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