Warrior health regen is insane

new warrior meta - get 200 spirit on gear, intimidating shout enemy when almost dead, full heal by the time fear wears off

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If that’s the case it’s a bug…your hp never regened in combat.

If they’re not in combat its quite literally the 200spirit


troll says hi and there’s nothing you can do about it


Trolls can but others cannot unless you have potions that give you regenerate in combat.

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shhhhh we don’t speak of this.
We love it

Been saved once or twice thanks to that regen :wink:

I was talking about for PVP.

Half true. HP5 (The health version of MP5) is a stat in vanilla. Most notably, you can get HP5 from items from Onyxia and Trollsblood potions, but it also exists on a few other items and Warlock armor spells.

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How do you even collect 200 spirit


Souls of your followers.

While that is true, HP does not naturally regen during combat. Gear, pots, talents and racials can be used to cause some regen but it doesn’t naturally occur like mana does.

Very easily. Pretty much everything in vanilla has spirit on it.

That 4 hour long chain of suffering in Stromgard? A mail chest with like 12 spirit on it.

hey you know those guys who do nothing but cast constantly (Paladins/Shamans) and don’t have any talents that give them SOME mp while casting? Let’s slap MASSIVE amounts of spirit on their gear. They’ll love it. (it took till Naxx to get paladin/shaman itemization right).