Boomkins are a top DPS? Fury warriors are in the bottom 3rd and Arms Warriors are parsing below tanks?
The vendetta this dev team has against Afrasiabi is actually insane. And to the dev that plays Druid, you keep eating cause Druids have been their dream version of a class since WotLK updated feral.
warriors have gotten SO FREAKING SCREWED in SOD.
And everyone knows it. and for some reason the devs are proud of it, or so it seems.
when aggrend made rets and feral the best classes in ICC for no reason and they were meming on warriors at blizzcon I knew warriors were gonna be shafted in SoD
mortal strike does no damage and even Zirene, a dev, notes Arms is useless but they arent supporting the spec in SoD lol.
Which is funny because all the other classses with “PvP” specs, are performing viably in raids.
The meme team is destroying the RPG element by making their hybrid classes perform like ADCs.
And when they “fix” warriors, they will shoot to the top, then everyone will complain about that.
So play anniversary where warriors are kings and everyone else are peasants.
I’m honestly not sure if players on CC wont’ see other classes get buffs and/or Warriors get nerfed. This dev team hates browns.
lol they don’t. Warriors ruled the entirety of Classic and even now in Cata they’re still S-Tier DPS.
It’s only in SoD where they aren’t on top as a change from the norm (the theme of SoD), and suddenly it’s “Blizzard hates warriors!” Just like it was if there were just one week they weren’t #1 on WCL.
y’all rival ret paladins for being the whiniest of the bunch. Devs aren’t going to nerf warriors in anniversary. They’re not going to do any balancing at all. That’s what SoD is for.
You realize that only warriors that are geared to the teeth dominate in classic. For the most part in classic world pvp, warriors are free kills unless they charge you first. In SoD, well, warriors are just free solo kills.
mages rogues and locked ruled the entirety of the last 20 years
this logic is worse than caveman logic
at least fury in vanilla only did what it did in RAID with BUFFS because it allowed for heroic strike spam to remove the -19% penalty and glancing blows. They werent good outside of raid so there wasnt the toxic problem we have now where moonkins, spriests, and a bunch of other classes are god like outside of raid
the gap between a ret and bis fury in 2019 classic was maybe 70%. The current gap in SoD from arms to ret is like 100%. The game is MORE broken with wider gaps. A spriest that sims within 2% of fury inside of raid on the same sim does 300% fury dps without the raid. The game is actually far more imbalanced across the board now, you just have raids where more classes are in-line with eachother but outside of raid the game is significantly more broken than anything in vanilla.
I realized Warrior’s days on top were done when they went after rage normalization, backtracked on it, then adjusted all of our runes to remove the % damage modifiers right before P4 released. Remember when flaggelation gave 25% flat damage increase and then got nerfed to 0%…
They are not going to let Warriors outscale other classes in endgame. It’s a part of the design philisophy back to that slide they had about Warrior’s in the SoD annoncement.
the “pvp” spec is the most absurd thing in the world, because the game literally has never had PVP talent trees (specs). It has pvp v pve TALENTS, not TREES. In Cata right now, Ele, Sub, and Arms are all good. Throughout expansions the best pvp or pve talent tree CHANGES. In Wotlk, Fire was mages best PVP and PVE talent tree at the same time.
Ret, boomkins, spriests, shamans, are all PVP gods right now but also top tier in raid, better than fury even. Arms does half the dmg of everyone else and loses to healers and tanks. Thats not a pvp issue. As the devs themselves said, the issue is they DONT SUPPORT THE TALENT TREE in SoD.
What’s the drawback of picking a class that can heal and do damage?
What’s the benefit of picking a class that can only do damage?
You would think there’s really easy answers to both of those questions, but this is the Season of Discovering bad logic.
I’m average at the game + Warriors in a bad state = I’m extraordinarily awful.
Tanking is fairly depressing. You have to try pretty hard to keep threat when your Paladin MT (because you can’t ever be MT) hits one button then rips threat from you in aoe pulls. Your solution is to consume and world buff to the max, which is always risky due to the incredibly unnecessary implementation of SoM’s wacky raid mechanics. Once you’ve lost your world buffs it’s a hard slog.
They base every decision off this game as if the players will eventually play like the 1%.
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Sadly the current devs have retail brain.
The original devs knew utility came at a extreme cost. Class identity hardly exists for retail wow, and those same people are making the choices for sod.
Thats why people still cling to fresh, It still has the class identity and fantasy that the OG devs worked hard to balance.
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im confused here. fury warriors were literally nr 1 on wcl in entire phase 4 and top 4 in entire phase 5. now we are 1 week into aq so way too early to say anything. what are we complaining about?
There was a chart that came out not too long ago showing a week 1 breakdown of performance in aq40 based on spec. Fury was about halfway down the chart, arms was in last place doing about 70% of the 2nd to last place’s dps. Affliction was #1 and demo was #2.
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one week chart… there is no class changes yet from past phase except new raid. no one has gotten their tier bonuses. people wipe alot. warriors without world buffs are bottom tier, top tier with. even fire mage is at bottom on this chart. can i ask you guys politely how dumb are you guys to base an opinion of class performance on a 1 week chart? what happened with common sense
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