Warrior & Druid LF AOTC Raid Guild in Shadowlands (No Tuesday Nights)

My name is Sifritz; I’m the druid. I’ve played this game for countless years, hoping to return to raiding come Shadowlands. I haven’t gotten to really embrace myself in raiding since MOP. I have obtained several AOTC’s through my lifetime of WoW; through pugging mainly. I have also completed several 15+ during BFA, and AOTC for N’zoth. My partner and I are looking for a friendly guild to make ourselves a home.

Overall Details:
DPS - Warrior (Alts include DH, Rogue)
TANK - Druid (Willing to off spec) (Also looking at several alts for SL’s - Hunter, Warlock, Priest)

We are looking for Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sundays; times are a lot less strict. In the ballpark of 7pm-1am EST.

The Guild:
We’d love a guild willing to bring in a few casuals. We have a fair amount of RL friends that want to play in Shadowlands; though they wont raid having them join the guild would be great! We also enjoy Mythic Plus, and are interested in checking out some PVP.

If you have any questions, or just want to talk feel free to message me.
BNet: Méphitz#1278 or Discord Sifritz#8230

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Totally forgot to add we’re Horde. (For no confusion)

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Hey, I send a friend request on discord and btag. My guild is recruiting for raiders to fill spots in both our Mythic team and our casual team. If you add me: Snow#1630 on Btag or Snow#2949, we can discuss it more. We have plenty of room for casuals as well.

Main raid team is Fi/Saturday 7-10 CST.