I’m looking for a guild for my warrior DPS main that’s AOTC / KSM oriented.
I’m on Central Time and can raid weekdays and Sunday evenings. I’m looking for a guild to run keys (shooting for +KSM) and AOTC raid.
If you think I can fit your raid my Bnet is Oppie#11667 or Oppie#9281 on Discord.
Heya Oppiee, Problematic is a group of middle aged delinquents seasoned players looking to get an early and fairly painless AOTC and then move into Mythic for the rest of the patch. If you want to raid on Wednesday and Thursday 7-9 PST, feel free to reach out to Wedgezilla#1953 (Battle Net) Crunx#2635 (Discord) or read up about us on the Hyjal forum.