Phase 1 warriors were pretty dog crap in pvp, but they were really good in pve. Phase 2 warriors are dog crap at both. Some how blizzard has managed to destroy the one thing that keeps this game alive. Warriors. Every time blizzard makes warriors terrible in classic their numbers go down. When will they learn?
dont play warrior
what a profound thought. Are you a wise man? Gameplay bad, just dont play game.
Lol you don’t like warrior, you like feeling special by topping your dps meter.
No, i actually like playing warrior. The class I chose to play many many years ago. Even endured it during wrath P1. People dont like bringing classes that dont top dps meters. That’s the difference
I’m inclined to believe all the Warrior doomsayers are just people who hate Warrior and they make these posts just to get people to start yelling about them
Perhaps some, but I wouldnt call this doomsaying. I would call this voicing out what warriors are dealing with. It’s obvious that blizzard is killing them this phase. Theyve made it painfully obvious by not reworking anything to make warriors better. Every other class is leagues ahead right now, and even just simply making warriors equal to other classes would be a good start.
It’s doomsaying. If you were even half as familiar with warrior as you claim to be, then you’d know how gear dependent they are, and that claiming they’re weak after two entire resets of the current raid is at best a complete meme
Yeah, we’ll see how warrior scales. Not sure how well any melee scales against 4500 armor, but I can agree that warriors will scale. However, if you are even in any competitive raiding guild you would know most teams are taking only 1, if any, warrior. Every comp is ranged and caster heavy. Warrior dead
plenty of warriors in the top ranks for the first 3 bosses. thats half the raid.
warriors dominated p1
warriors will go boom when they get reck next phase in the ranks also
idk man warriors look fine in PvE
I think the biggest issue with warrior is the lack of “fun” and “imaginative” additions via runes. They really didnt get a new play style and their new runes just arent really cool and fun.
gear dependent but with current math and available knowledge, warriors will not being going dual wield this phase unless boss armor is nerfed
they added a new 2 minute shout which reduces warrior dps
warriors will rise again. just watch. it just probably wont be this phase.
Yeah, I mean you get it. Warriors just are not fun to play right now at all. I’m just que’ing into AB and cant do a thing, its insane
Warriors deserve this for the whole flask set business
Warriors have become the biggest class of whiners on the forums. Never thought Paladin would lose that title.
Funny what happens when a class that’s been at God tier in Vanilla forever, finally isn’t head and shoulders above everyone else. So many people expected to roll the most OP class.
You’re actually just a kekw my friend. Warriors were created to Tank and do damage. They dont bring much utility, so when they are not good at either then they just arent brought. Dont bring that low IQ bs noise in here.
I’ve always played a warrior, im not complaining.
warriors arent great right now but its because this game isnt balanced for PVP.
everyone else is getting buffs which is making them OP in pvp.
idk what people expected
Warrior tears are potentially the most delicious of them all.