Warrior Condemn Reverts Back to Execute

Warrior Condemn Reverts Back to Execute

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Log in to the game as Arms in Revendreth => Condemn works
  2. Switch to Protection => Condemn works
  3. Switch back to Arms => Condemn is now replaced with Execute, Condemn is missing in the Spellbook.
  4. Relogging fixes the issue until the next spec change.

Using a macro for /cast Condemn does not help as when it reverts to Execute it also disappears from the Spellbook until next login.


Can confirm seeing this as well. Re-logging while in arms spec shows condemn again.

I also experienced this issue, relogging while in arms did fix the issue though.

I can confirm, I am also experiencing this bug.

Also having this issue

as I’m fury, relogging is NOT fixing this. It’s simply gone. So, do I have to go into arms, log off, and try that, and then go into fury and hope it’s still there?

This just happen to me.

  1. Switched to Prot to fix taletnts
  2. Switched to Fury and missing Condemn
  3. Logged and came back and have Condemn

Really annoying to constantly having to relogg

Having the same issue and can confirm that relogging fixes it.

Can confirm this happens for Fury as well, same steps the OP mentioned.

This bug still exists. Swapped to prot and fury then back to arms, condemn is gone and I have execute again.

I also got this bug this morning. It has been happening since the removal of the Venthyr “ability marker” spell that showed up on the covenant special ability bar to enable Condemn. Also may have coincided with the fix to Massacre for Condemn.

Just had this happen. Same deal as above. Other covenant ability unaffected.

Still happening to me as well. Curious that if I swap back from arms to prot, Condemn returns. It also works fine when swapping to fury. The only issue is swapping back to Arms.

Is there any known fixes to this problem yet besides having to relog? I am definitely still having this problem.

Also having this issue, amazing blizz hasn’t fixed this yet.

Same here. For the second time happened today. Spec swap etc. I was in a small party if this might have anything to do with it

Um, bump? Happened again yesterday.

Confirm, this happened today for me. I was in maldraxxus

Confirming that I have this problem as well.

Ran the world boss today (Mortanis) and saw this bug for the first time. Condemn reverted to Execute at start of fight. After the fight, I hearthed to Sinfall and left Raid Group, LOW and behold, Condemn was back on my action bar.