Warrior Charge Macro

I’ve been looking for a macro that does this very thing. But I’m confused about shield charge stopping the macro. Does this macro work in the sense that I can get 2 charges of Charge off, Shield Charge, and then it’ll reset back to using Charge until those 2 charges are used?

Hey all, thought I’d give you what I’ve been using.

/use [harm,nodead] Charge
/use [help,nodead] Intervene
/use Shield Charge

This is actually the best macro, and since they put Shield Charge on the GCD, this works great. When I am at range I use charge as a given, unless I am out of charges of charge! So, typically, I charge in to a pack, and I typically have Shield charge still available. I can then:

A) use shield charge to interrupt a cast.
B) use shield charge as part of my DPS rotation, after Avatar and Demo Shout
C) use shield charge to help me zoom around gathering mobs.




/cast [help] Intervene; Charge
/cast Shield Charge

With mouseover

/cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead] Charge; [@mouseover,help,nodead] [help] Intervene; Charge
/cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [] Shield Charge

Trying to do charge, hamstring macro & avatar blood fury. not working it just cast the first ability then thats it. Macros are below
#showtooltip Avatar
/cast Avatar
/cast Blood Fury

#showtooltip Avatar
/cast Charge
/cast Hamstring

Sounds like you didn’t put the macros on your bar.

I put it on my bar. Just logged in today and did it again just to make sure and still didn’t work.

Change and Blood Fury are off the GCD so there’s no reason combining them with other spells shouldn’t work.

you can’t cast charge and hamstring together because hamstring requires melee range and charge requires a minimum of 8 yards.

I don’t like this macro, cause it puts shield charge and 1 charge on CD on first cast. that’s just a waste of a charge.

I wish blizzard didn’t have to make this all so convoluted. i miss when prot warriors had as single charge spell that changed based on usage. splitting it to be more like classic is just awful. I ultimately just had to keep charge/intervene together and shield charge a completely different bind

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Aye, if I was going to combine them I’d stick Shield Charge on a modifier.

/cast [mod,known:385952,@mouseover,harm,nodead] [mod,known:385952] Shield Charge; [@mouseover,harm,nodead] Charge; [known:3411,@mouseover,help,nodead] [known:3411,help] Intervene; Charge

Hot take; always preferred retail’s ability pruning. It’s painfully obvious with time that Shadowlands’ un-pruning was just a PR move to coax classic players into trying retail again. The cumbersome nature of ability clutter is part of Classic’s appeal, and that’s fine, but from an objective design standpoint (can speak with some actual authority on this topic) if you can consolidate 3 abilities into one, it’s not only QOL, it is outright better design that shifts in-game skill expression from needing to have basic understanding of scripting to what actually matters- how they use the abilities and tools their class/spec offers them.

Shield Charge, when picked as a talent, should simply replace charge. The updated tooltip should say something along the lines of:

Shield Charge:

Charge to an enemy with your shield, dealing [x] Physical damage to it and [x] Physical damage to all enemies within 10 yards. Also stuns the primary target for 2 sec, and generates 40 Rage.

When used while targeting or hovering your mouse over a friendly target, Shield Charge charges to them and intercepts the target instead, redirecting all sources of damage to you for 6 seconds as long as they remain within 10 yds. If you remain close to the ally for the full 6 seconds, Shield Charge’s cooldown is reduced by 15 seconds.

This ability has 2 charges (3 with Double Time).
Shield Slam reduces the cooldown by 2 seconds.

Replaces Charge
Replaces Intervene

Just like that, we’ve now turned 3 cumbersome buttons into a single multi-purpose ability that allows for plenty of skill expression (with halved stun time since it has an overall higher up time) and rewards being active in combat.

You know, people like to dump on League of Legends’ champion design ethos, but this is the exact same string of logic that allows them to put complex and extremely skill-expressive champion kits within 4 abilities. A long tooltip means nothing once the player understands what it means, and this talent would only be gained at near-max level anyways.

Back to my original point though, this entire thread is a testament to why I believe that design ethos needs to return to retail. This shouldn’t need to be a several month-long discussion on how to maneuver botchy macro code.

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